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     Me and Mer just finished History class and I am now heading to P.E. with Jack and Eugene. "Bye Hic!" Mer yelled from across the hallway. "Bye!" I waved and continued on walking.

     "Hey man!" Eugene pat my back which caused me to tumble a bit. "Dude, I am not your man." I said, taking of his arm from my shoulder. "Well then, I am not your dude." He rolled his eyes and I chuckled.

     Jack completely ignored us and was staring at the whiteboard. "Thinking of Elsa, eh?" I nudged him. "Maybe." He shrugged. "Maybe? What going on in your head, bro?" Eugene asked. "I'm thinking of a gift for Hiccup. What do you want anyway? Other than of a dog?" Jack asked looking at me.

     "I don't know. Anything." I shrugged. Mrs. Johnson came in and we sat on our chairs. "To the track!" She yelled and everyone scrambled for the door. We all ended up in the track field and we sat on the bleachers.

     Eugene was chatting with some girls and Jack sat beside me, still staring into space. Is it really that hard to think of a gift? I guess so.

     "Mr. Fitzherbert! Stop the chit-chat!" Mrs. Johnson yelled. "Why should I?" He said, smugly. "Get your ass down here right now and give me 50 push ups!" Mrs. Johnson sternly and Eugene rolled his eyes, going down beside Mrs. Johnson.

     Jack stifled a laugh, and lucky for him, Mrs. Johnson heard it. "Three laps!" She yelled and Jack gaped. "You can do it." I chuckled and he gave a straight face. He jogged to the track and started running.

     "Okay! We are going to-" At that point, I was now escaping into my own world. "Hiccup!" Astrid said sadly, as she hugged me tight. "I'll miss you too." Right, we were leaving. Going here to Arizona.I was about 14. Dad got a promotion and we flew here. "I'll miss you." She started sobbing.

     "Oh come on. My shirt's gonna get wet." I chuckled and she hit my arm, hard. "I'm just kidding." I smiled and hugged her. "Hiccup! We gotta go!" Dad yelled. "Yeah dad! I have to go. I'll miss you." I smiled. She kissed me. Like, kissed me.

     "I'll miss you too." She whispered. I hugged her one last time and I walked to the car. I waved goodbye and Snoutlout, what we call him, came to Astrid. I got in the car and forced myself to smile. "Bye." I whispered.


     "Mom! Mommy!" I frantically yelled. My mom was missing. "Mommy?" I said. "Ooh! Hiccup! What do you want, dear?" My mom scooped me up and hugged me.  "Mommy! Daddy is scaring me again." I pouted. And, out came dad, in a dragon head. I was terrified of dragons. Was. But now, I grew fond of them.

     Mom giggled and shook her head. "Dear, I said to play with him. Not scare him." Mom said. "Roar-"


     "Roar!" We heard. We were currently on a camping trip. Mom and dad had a tad bit of an argumant and mom went off to walk in the woods. I was terrified. What happened to mom?

     "Hiccup, stay here with your friends and me and the guards will search for your mom." He said, grabbing hold of my shoulders. I nodded and he ran off with the guards.

     What's happened to mom? That's all that was in my head. Astrid came to hug me. I started crying. If you remember what I told Merida, you would understand why I was crying.

     Dad came back, crying as well. "D-Dad? Where's mom?" I stammered. He was holding a scarf. Not just any scarf. Mom's scarf. I ran to him and he hugged me tight. "Its my fault." He sobbed. From then on, he never forgave himself-

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