Chapter one: Friend turned enemy

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|Hey just a side-note I will be writing a Chapter two with the looks transformation! Please write suggestions for what you would like next! TYSM!|

I was walking down the bland halls of hell, formally called high school, and to the side of me was my best friend Jess.

"I think I should invest in some beauty products, don't you?"

I gagged a bit inside, and I couldn't help but blurt out.

"Seriously Jess? Who needs beauty anyways! All it does it attract pesky boys that want you for your looks and jealous girls."

Then we approached the school cool kids, oh great..

They laughed and said.

"Oh hey look it's the uglies! Big nose and thin lips!"

They all chuckled, then the most disgusting thing happened! Italiana kissed Adrien! Right infront of me, gross!

Me and Jess walked straight passed them ignoring them, then Jess suddenly stopped and I turned to her.

"What's up?"

I said, then Jess said in an angry tone.

"I'm so sick of BEING UGLY! I want to be pretty! Like the other girls! I want boys swarming me just to speak a word to me, I want girls envying me and wishing they were me! I wish boys would be ready to do anything I asked them to do!"

I was in shock, Jess then ran away in tears as the school bell rang, I didn't bother to run after her because this swamp of depressive thoughts came over me, I saw Jess in class but she didn't talk to me, she ignored me whenever I spoke to her she just pretended that I wasn't there, and she kept speaking to the class cool kids, the one she said that are.

"Absolute ignorant brats and I would die if I ever had to speak to them!"

Hypocrite much.

Anyways at lunch and recess I tried going to her but she ran away, I chased after her but then she sat with the cool kids, I didn't even want to come 10 feet close to those brats! So I walked away and went to the library, I guess I needed to get some reading done.

Then at the end of the day as everyone was walking to her dismissal areas I got the courage to talk to her, she was walking with the cools kids and I ran up to her, her and her 'friends' looked at me.

"Jess, I need to talk to you."

She rolled her eyes

"Look, Jess why are you ignoring me? I did nothing wrong? Was it what I said earlier, if so I think you should totally invest in beauty!"

She and her stupid friends chuckled, she then said in a super annoying sassy voice.

"Look Kaaaayley, I don't need no ugly-ass looking freak bringing me down!"

Those words rang in my head as she walked away laughing, tears spurted in my eyes as they trickled down my cheeks, I never realised my looks till now, did my looks just ruined a friendship?

I decided while on the bus, this 3 month break I will not look at the mirror at all and pretend I'm beautiful, so I can hopefully convince myself I'm beautiful and I won't have to worry about my ugly looks.

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