Part 5

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N: But you should go if you have plans. You dont have to babysit me. I am fine. I am not into socializing anyway.

They were in Williams kitchen making mini-pizzas for their night-in.

W: No, I won't miss out on anything if I skip a Saturday night out.

N: No ladies to charm?

W: No. I think I am dropping the dating thing for a while.

N: Oh?

W: Yea. It's the same every time. The same set-up, the same questions, the same drinks. I swear its even the same type of flirting.

N: - laughs hard - Nooo?

W: It is. I swear.

N: That's a bit trag(ed)y-comic.

W: I know. One gets bored fast.

N: Yeah. I shouldn't mock. I probably don't even know how to flirt. Having been out of the game for years I don't have any tips or tricks to show.

W: Oh. I wanna be there when you flirt - he says enthusiastically

N: Sure. I'll let you know.

W: Thanks. I'll have the camera ready.

We laugh together while finding plates, glasses, and napkins.

W: What do you want to do? Movie?

He asked as they threw themselves into the big, comfy sofa in the living room with their food in hand.

N: Yeaaaa...

W: What do you want to watch?

N: I don't know. What you got?

W: The most I think - they laughed while he flipped through the thousands of channels they had. Boys I thought.

N: Ohh. One day - he came over a movie she liked

W: You want to watch this?

N: YES. We have to watch this one. I haven't seen it in forever. Have you seen it?

W: I don't think so... - not that excited hehe

N: It's really good. 

Vincent walks into the living room after an hour, he is heading out to Hansens' party

V: What are you guys watching?

William looks at him quickly and struggles kinda I-have-no-idea

N: One Day. - she shoots in 

V: Good?

N: Yeah. One of the best.

V: Oh really?

N: I think.

V: - smiles - Good save

(William smiles at her charm. That's something you'll look long after. 

There are many girls that are sparkling, cute, happy and charming but, Noora carries all that in one and same mix with a laidbackness and total effortlessness. And then it' even cuter and more charming just because it's so real.

And I love her simplicity. In everything she does and says and the way, she views the world, it's with such easy and pleasurable eyes. Those eyes that grandmothers have that have lived a long and educational life and reached a stage of peace and content in their souls. I love to be in her company and presence. It's the most comfortable place in the world at the moment. 

Why am I thinking about Noora this way? This is just friendly? Yes. This is just friendly. I just like to be around her. Buddy-like.)

V: Ok... I am off then. You guys still don't want to come?

N: I am really not into socializing.

W: I am so invested in this movie now I cant just leave. I have to see if they get each other in the end. 

They all laugh. Noora throws a pillow at him as he laughs cutely.

N: Ass! Don't mock my movie. 

V: The two of you asså... 

Vincent smiles, laughs, nods his head from side to side before he leaves the two lovebirds as he calls them behind their backs. Are they really that oblivious to what is happening?

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