Will this pain never end?!

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Will this pain never end?!

I am a girl...

Some would say unlucky, others would say well-deserved and i would say a most lonely and lost girl.

Day and night all i thought of was suicide, with no friends, no support nor love I was on my own... Against the whole world fighting to die...

Unlike others, my only goal was to die, to leave this world of emptiness behind me and to move forwards and embrace death with love i was never able to share with anyone...

I had nothing, i was a so-called 'nobody' who has been rejected by my own parents at birth, who is still being unwanted by the society and who will forever more be undesired by the world... Who else could have a worse life than me?! Who else would want to live after such terrific 16 years of life on earth?!


I was walking back home with that sense of despair in life one night after work, tears rolled down my cheeks as i my traumatic past flashed through my mind once more...

It was a windy night and the strong breeze rushed against my soft skin sending shivers down my spine. Suddenly out of the night there came a shrill scream, piercing the silence of the night. Immediately i stiffened, clenching my teeth i courageously kept on walking calmly in the direction on the scream.

And there it came again, pain, loss, despair, was what i sensed in the scream... That woman didn't want to die! That soul didn't want to be set free! Those screams belied the truth...

I started at a brisk pace walking straight to where the sound had come from, my heart was pounding as i reached a small clearing at the end of the alley... ... ...

In front of me it was pitch black but the light behind me was enough for me to see the limp body a few metres ahead of me. I ran to the body my heart reaching out to it, something seemed to trigger in my heart and my tears started to flow again... I held her body in a firm grip letting my tears soak her silky, bloody dress...

I was too late... This was the second time i had been too late in my life! It was because of me that she had died tonight and i was convinced of it! I had to see her face, just to say sorry and so that the sight may traumatize me for the rest of my life...

I held her head in my hands and turned it towards me, the fresh scent of blood made me feel slightly nauseated but i held on to consciousness... I immediately backed away as reflex, there lying in front of me was a perfect idol of myself though this person was a little bit older, i was sure of it now as i eyed the medallion hanging from her bruised neck...

"mother!" i gaped.

And this word was what ended my internal, eternal pain...

"i knew you would come!" said a deep, husky voice from behind me, i dropped down to my knees and flung my hand to my stomach, the warm liquid seeped through my fingers... I felt the life being drained out of me, my soul leaving my body...

But i couldn't leave this world without knowing one thing... Mustering all the force that resided in me i managed to stammer though it was only a whisper,

"b-but wh-why her?!"

Before i finished i felt a sharp bade ripping through my chest, i fell to the ground but still held on to dear life waiting... Waiting for his answer...

"it's called revenge..."

I let go... This was all i had ever wished for... With the key to all my misery i opened my heart and released all my pain...

Suicide hadn't been the solution after all, murder had... I gave in to the darkness as i died beside my mother...


heyy all you wonderful peeps readin this right now! Thnx soo much for actually reading this... Plzz vote, comment and FAN!!! Plzz read secrets also if u havnt yet done it!! Umm jus wanted to make myself CLEAR dnt worry, i DONT want to suicide, this is just a story i hav written ;) lol!!! Chat n dnt hesitate to pm if u need any question to be answered! :)

With love...

Isavru Day

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