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'Cause it's too cold
For you here
And now
So let me hold
Both your hands in the holes of my sweater

The pair woke up at the same time the next morning, laughing to each other as they basically slept through a whole day.

They both decided that they would go shopping today. Originally they inviting Finn and Sarah but they had their own plans during the day; so it ended up just being Ingrid and Noah together.

When they arrived to the mall Noah stood out of the car that they rented and helped Ingrid get out of the car too, Ingrid adorned a red sweater- with holes in it and black jeans with her old skool vans to top off the outfit, Also adding in her black, leather, mini backpack.

Both decided that they couldn't shop on an empty stomach so they ate at the nearest fast food place and continued with their mall experience together.

First they went to a store Noah wanted to go to, then a store they both liked before heading to a store Ingrid thought looked interesting; they continued the cycle until they stumbled upon one of the last stores which Ingrid dragged Noah into.

The store was racks upon racks filled with vintage clothing, Ingrid's wide eyes eagerly scanned over the store before she rushed to the sweater section.

Many different colours, sizes and fits of sweaters were hung open three open racks. Noah laughed and offered to help find some new sweaters for Ingrid as she happily agreed to.

Noah started on one rack and Ingrid started on the opposite, Noah grabbed out nearly every sweater he saw in the designated size before putting them all in a wheelie basket the store had provided.

Ingrid was more picky with her sweater choices, she ended up only picking out seven sweaters that she thought looked nice. Ingrid smiled at her choices before turning to Noah's pile of sweaters in his basket.

Ingrid laughed heartedly and decided to try on all of his sweaters and putting the sweaters she chose on a hanger to the side, whenever she showed a sweater to Noah his face would light up and he would put up two thumbs.

Noah was basically drooling over each sight in front of her- every new sweater put a sparkle in Ingrid and made her a bit more unique and gorgeous. His thoughts were cut off by a worker at the Vintage shop,

"She's very pretty, you guys make a lovely couple" The lady spoke in a kind tone.

"Ah-no, w-we aren't togeth-ther" Noah stuttered out, surprised by the lady's words.

"It's only love that would make you stay out here for nearly an hour watching her try on all those sweaters!" The lady laughed.

Noah just smiled in response to the woman's words that caught him off guard, 'it's only love'? What does that mean?

Noah definitely had feelings for Ingrid and she openly shared the feelings but he didn't expect them to make a move or be in a relationship. But the feelings were there, for sure.

Ingrid walked out of the changing rooms, one basket filled with worn sweaters and her other hand holding the seven sweaters she had picked out.

"Hey, Noah? Can you please put these ones back on the rack?" Ingrid spoke kindly- but not very sure of her actions.

Noah nodded as Ingrid placed the sweaters into his hold as she went to the check out to purchase all the sweaters Noah had chosen.

Before placing the sweaters onto the rack onto the rack, he admired all the unique colours and fits, he immediately knew why she chose all of them; because they were different.

Noah put them on the side of the rack where there wasn't any sweaters and walked out of the store to where Ingrid held her bags. They walked to a pizza place not far away then to the back of the mall where a large hill and bench sat.

The sun started to set as they got artsy shots of everything happening around them, Noah excused himself to go to 'the toilet' quickly as he raced inside and purchased all of the sweaters Ingrid picked out, then going out to the rented car where all of the other shopping bags from the day were.

He ran towards the back of the mall to get to the hill quicker- making it seem like he actually went to the toilet.

There in night the pair shared secrets and laughed- eating pizza and watching the stars start to shine bright, a cute kiss was shared between the two as they were walking back to the car, hand-in-hand.

During the car ride home, Ingrid brought up the fact she would be leaving the next day and they would have much time together between Noah's hectic schedule and Ingrid starting up her life in a new house and town.

After that it was silence, mostly the pair letting that burden of a fact; sink in.

SWEATER WEATHER ♛ Noah Schnapp Where stories live. Discover now