The Lost Soul

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  Trees are all around and the leaves are turning from green to orange or red. The leaves are falling off the trees covering the cold moist dirt trail. She walked in the forest the leaves on the ground crunch with each step she took. From a tree hung a vine that had large thorns and the vine was a blue almost like to was glowing. Stella noticed the vine and it felt as if it was drawing her in to touch it and examine it. She soon gave in and walked slowly toward it no leaves on the ground near the vine she didn't understand why til she touched the vine. She touched the vine with her right hand and she instantly pulled her hand away.

When she pulled her hand away the places the vine touched her skin turned black and she started to freak out not wanting to find out what happened but she started to walk back to town and she looked at her hand and saw that the black spot from the vine started to spread through her hand and now her wrist. Stella started to panic and so she ran through the forest to town the clolours blended together as she ran.

She finally got to town and the black mark is now up her arm and going to her stomach. She went to the doctors, the ground covered with stone bricks and people on horses went by her staring at her because of the blackness consuming her body. Small buildings lined the side of the road as she walked to the doctor's building. When she got to the building she collapsed on the ground the black spot spreading to her head and it spreaded even faster when she fell unconscious.

Stella was unconscious and in her dreams which were not sweet at all, what happened in her dream that hurt her happened to her body. The doctor assumed it was an effect of what was causing the black mark consuming her body.

In her dream she was back in the forest the dirt was mud and it was cloudy and raining. She was running towards where the village stood but when she got there after a few slips and mud all over her she didn't find it, well that's what she though but she walked to where the protective wall's of the village stood and she went to walk on the land but ended up walking into the wall. She felt for the gate in the wall to get in. After an hour she found it by falling past where she couldn't. She stood up and walked into a dark dome that only torches lit up. she looked around and saw a group of monsters walking down the road towards her.

While Stella slept the doctor forced her to drink and eat so she didn't die of hunger or thirst. The doctor saw how sad she looked even if he couldn't see her natural skin. He stroked her cheek wanting to comfort her. He then covered her up and left her be for a few hours.

Stella hid from the monsters so she wasn't seen but what she forgot was her sent so she was found by another creature of sorts. She tried to get away and the creature picked up Stella and smiled. "Hey your not from around here."

Stella got so scared that she started to cry loudly and the creature covered her mouth quickly. "If others hear you they will kill you, I won't be able to protect you." his smile faded and then took off a bag off his back that she didn't notice at first, he pulled out a cloak so he could hid her easily. He threw it around her and she pulled the hood on her head.

She didn't fight him thinking he was going to help her. She was wrong. He held her shoulder and they walked out and she noticed the ground wasn't brown but a crimson red. She started to shake in fear that it was blood from the people of the village. She kept walking with the creature and he stopped at a small house that she recognized the house. It was her house in the real world. The creature opened the door letting Stella walk in first.

When she walked in she noticed that nothing changed much the paintings on the walls still hung but they didn't look right. Then she realized there was a tint of red, her eyes showed fear and she turned to face the creature but it was nowhere to be found, she was even more afraid than she was before.

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