Part 7 (trigger warning)

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Again trigger warning if you are sensitive don't read this.
You have been warned

Poem is dedicated to the families and friends of the victims in the Munich OEZ shooting. My heart goes out to all of them even after almost 2 years.

Departed souls whose strings were cut,
Those people whose future was shut,
2 years soon will pass,
And people still mourn for you who were broken like glass.

Those who suffer to this day,
Still fighting to make their way,
Those families whose loved ones are now gone,
Because unneeded bloodshed was drawn,

Remembering the good and bad,
Moving one from what you had,
Carrying those memories with you,
Into the world with a new view.

Your loved ones from above will watch,
Protect you from a fate like theirs,
Stay beside you in spirit when you shed your tears.

My heart goes out to all of you,
Those who since that day are finding your way anew,
The sadness will never fully go away,
But great strength you display.

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