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"Adalaide get your ass up" Christina groans as she pulls the dovet off of my body causing me to shriek from the sudden coldness 

"hey! give me that back!" I pout, sticking my arm out as a sign for her to give it back to me

"No, you need to get ready we're leaving soon" she raises her phone slighly showing me a glimps of who was on the other end of the facetime

"where are we going?" my voice comes out muffled as I attempt to bury myself into my pillows in hopes of getting some more sleep making a sigh push past Christina's lips

"We're going to the airport, remember we're going on holiday?" I could feel the sarcasm dripping off of every word she spoke before realisation hit me 

"Shit!" I bolt up and lock eyes with Chris "That's today?" I almost screech, I watch her roll her eyes at me then nods in agreement

"This holiday has been planned for ages Ads, how could you forget?" I could hear a farmiliar deep laugh come from Chris's phone

"Shut up Corb" I hear him stifle a laugh instantly making Christina and I smile

"Sorry but I agree with Chris, how could you possibly forget, we talk abiut it all the time in the groupchat" Corbyn says making a smug smile make its way on to Chris's face as he sides with her

"I may have muted the groupchat" I whisper instantly avoiding eye contact

"That doesn't shock me, anyways I'm going to make sure I've got everything whilst you get ready, meet downstairs in 20?" I nod in agreement before she turns around and exits my room, leaving me to stare at my half packed suitcase hoping that it will fill itself. I finally come to terms with the fact that i'm not magic and can't magic my suitcase being filled I finally start packing. Once I've packed my suitcase I throw on some black leggins, a black hoodie and slip on some Nike Air Force I take my suitcase downstairs and place it next to the front door. 

"Have you got yor passport?" I hear Chris shout to me from upstairs

I turn to look at my backpack that's sitting next to the sofa and unzip it seeing my passport, spare phone charger, head phones, my laptop, laptop charger, vlog camera and all of it accessories "yeah I have everything" I shout back, seconds later I hear her pounding down the stairs with her suitcase banging against every step until she finally reaches the landing and quietly wheels it next to mine before joining me in the living room "do you have everything?" she mumbles a yes as she rumages through he bag "have you got us an uber?" she finally stops rumaging through her bag and zips it up before looking up at me with wide eyes  "you forgot to order the Uber didn't you?" I ask even though I already know the answer

"I can't believe I forgot to order the Uber"

"Don't worry I'll drive but we need to get going now" I wave my hands about in a rush as I realise we are running late, we both grab our backpacks and our suitcases and load them into my car before we start our journey to the airport.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2019 ⏰

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