Small but Fierce

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A yellow she-cat with hazel eyes stumbled around the dead grass, quivering with shock and fear. Eyes set on her, despite how small the creature was, she knew it was one of the worst kinds of things you can encounter. Badger! She backed away, hissing at the creature, hoping to scare it in the tiniest bit. But nothing happened different.

It started to run toward her, when a flash of black slammed into the badger, with great fighting skills and strength. It snarled, angry at the surprise attack from the side. The badger clawed with such force at the poor cat, she had to look away. A shriek came from the black cat, and Light decided to help, though not knowing how to really fight.

She stalked around the badger, despite her bright yellow pelt not able to camouflage well at all. At the most unexpected time, she bit the badger's neck so hard, it roared in pain and turned to Light. She dashed with such speed around the badger, but it still was able to knock Light down. "Aaah!" She screamed while being flipped down the small hill. But when that happened, the strange cat yowled, and clawed harder, and with seeing that, determination spread through Light.

She went around the badger, and fought with as much as she could take. However, she was getting tired, and the badger was just getting stronger from the anger it was receiving. Maybe they couldn't fight off this. Maybe there had to be another way.

She dashed off in another direction, and sniffed the air. If this was a mother, maybe they had cubs to protect. She searched for the den she had found, finally realizing what was in there. Badger cubs! She saw there was a rock between the 2 parts of the cave, then going into a full den. If she could get the badger to slam into the rock, it would be dead for sure. She yowled, trying to get the badger's attention, threatening to hurt the cubs. The badger stopped attacking the black cat and dashed over, insanely wanting to protect the cubs. The badger almost slammed into Light, but she stepped to the side quickly, and it smashed its head into the sharp rock. It lay there, defeated, its breath going quicker, then stopping.

A wave of relief flooded Light, but also guilt from killing a creature. The guilt seemed silly, but she didn't like killing. The black cat gasped, and rushed over. "That was amazing!" he panted. "Thanks. By the way, who are you, and what's your name?" Light asked, tipping her head to her side.

He replied with pain, despite his wounds, saying, "I'm a newly made ShadowClan warrior. My name is Darkclaw. What is your name?" he asked calmly. "I'm...Light. I am not entirely sure what Clans are. I live in the hills, but occasionally visit twolegs and they give me food." she answered, but then asked another question. "Why did you save me?"

Darkclaw laughed. "If I see a cat who is helpless and being attacked, wouldn't you want to help them?" smiled, and lowered his voice. "Technically I'm not suppose to be helping people who are not in my clan, though." Light questioned that silently, but nodded. "I understand." She sighed, stressed from the sudden fight. "You have no idea how much I thank you. You saved me!" *rats start appearing everywhere and people come 2 fight them* (jk I wouldn't pull that off) Darkclaw looked away, and murmured, "It's nothing." She widened her eyes, and shook her head. "That IS sure something!" she exclaimed. He smiled.
"Sure. Anyways, my clan is probably worrying about why I'm gone for so long. See you later maybe!" He smiled and walked away slowly, wounds slowing him down. She shouted after him, "Bye! Good luck with those wounds!"

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