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Chapter 1.

The car was tipped over and I lie there stunned at what just happend. I was in pain. My arm felt like a million needles just went through it.My mom was fine but my sister was crying. We didn't know what was wrong with her. In the distance I could hear sirens coming towards us.They loaded us up in the back of the ambulance. My mom didn't really NEED to go to the hospital but she wanted to make sure we were okay. She got a little scraped up on her left arm and her right leg. I got knocked out when the glass started to shatter about 10 minuets later after a semi truck hit us from the side and sent us tumbling down into the soggy ditch. In those few seconds I saw my life flash before my eyes in seconds.

Chapter 2.

In the hospital bed I lied there. Everything was blurry but I could still make out the shadows of what looked like nurses. "Hana are you awake?" It was my aunt, Cathy, who worked at the hospital. Considering the fact that she was there I am guessing we are at St. Christopher's hospital. "Yeah I'm okay, I guess my arm still hurts but I think it is fine!", I said. "About that , she said, we have to do surgery because it got smashed so hard in the door of the car" "WHAT?!! HOW AM I GOING TO PLAY AT THE STATE TOURNAMENTS IN TWO WEEKS???" I was freaking out."How long is the recovery?" "Well it will take at minimum 4-5 months to recover."said aunt Cathy. "In 4-5 months the season will be over and if we qualify for nationals which would be the first time I have ever ,in 16 years, gone to nationals and I might miss it!!" Soccor was my life!!"Now you are getting ahead of yourself.You don't even know if they are going to nationals yet!" said my aunt."Yeah but our team has been working our butts off to make this and I have no doubt they will!They are a hard working team with confidence and passion!" I was tired and ready to go to bed but then I remembered about my sister."Where is my sister?!", I asked ferociously. "She shattered her leg so she will be spending some time in here too,but not that long I mean she is only 4 she still has the whole world to explore,so do you.Her doctors said that she will only have to be in here for another 2 weeks or so.Her leg did great for the first day!!",said Aunt Cathy. I was glad to hear that Lidia (my sister) didn't have to spend as much time recovering as I did. I looked over at the wall clock that read 2:30 a.m. I wasn't tired anymore and the television set wasn't working at the moment. I set in bed thinking about how I just had the worst day of my life. I mean I am sitting on a hospital knowing I might not get to live my dream and have to get surgery and heck I haven't seen my family today. My mom nor dad has come to visit me!! I decided that I should pray to God for fast recovery for not just me or my sister but my whole family. This has not been easy on anyone! "Dear God, I know this has not been the best day of my life but I know everything you do happens for a reason but I thank you for letting Lidia and I still be on this Earth and I thank you for your son Jesus who died on the cross for my sins! I couldn't thank you enough for EVERYTHING you do! I love you! amen." I turned off the lamp on the table beside me and went to sleep.

Chapter 3

I had a pretty good dream last night! I was at the state tournaments and I had no broken bones! The game was tied 5-5 and we still remained 2 minuets left in the game. I dribbled the soccer ball down the field! I gave that ball the hardest kick I have ever done! The goalie dived for it but sure enough it went right in! "BEEP"! "YAY!!! We did it!!",we shouted!! I couldn't believe my eyes or ears! We are going to nationals!! When I woke up tears started to roll down my face. I realized that dream isn't gonna come true,not this year at least!! Aunt Cathy came in and asked what was wrong. "I jut had a dream that I won states and qualified for nationals and in the real world I don't get to go!" "Now sweetie it is okay you are a hard working,sweet,loving girl and I know one day you will get to live your dream!" Aunt Cathy can almost always find a way to cheer me up. This time it did partially I am still just a little big sad. "Well the reason I came in here was to tell you that they are wanting to do your surgery today!"What time today? Do you know?" "Yeah they are going to try to do it A.S.A.P (as soon as possible)." "Will that mean for a faster recovery?" "Yeah, just a slight one though about a 4-5 day advance."said aunt Cathy. "Then okay we can do it now I guess!" To be honest I was a little, okay a lot, nervous for the surgery but then again I was glad to get it over with. The nurses came in and got me on a bed and sent me to the surgery room.

Chapter 4.

In the surgery room they gave a special medicine to knock me out while it was in session.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2014 ⏰

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