Ringo Drowned

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Ringo ran the streets of Liverpool with tears welling in his eyes; he was foolish to fall in love a bastard such as Rory Storm. Darn Rory. That heartless singer made poor Ringo feel like he meant nothing to him. Ringo was treated so unfairly, he wanted to die.


''I want to die...'' Ringo whispered under his breath.''I don't want to live anymore...''He whispered as he ran.


Death. Death was the only subject that made Ringo feel welcomed.


He ran. Ringo ran, he through the streets, through the throng of people, and through the heavy traffic until he was out in the middle of nowhere. The middle of nowhere Ringo ended in, was deep in the woods that was at least less than a half kilometer outside of the town. 


Ringo ran, ran, ran, and ran through the bushes and through the trees, just leaving behind that was behind him. He ran until, before he wasn't able to control himself, he skidded to a stop until he reached the near end of a cliff. Underneath the cliff where Ringo was a fast running, long, wide, deep river. The river was so deep, it was just as deep as Ringo's sad, sad, soul.


The drummer looked down as his blue eyes took in an eyeful. This was it. This river was the perfect place to die and never be harmed again. 


Just as the drummer's withering reached to its peak, he slowly took a few steps back as he scanned his eyes all over the environment around him. 


All around there was nothing, but long tall evergreen trees and stale brown dirt. But, on the cliff the drummer was back tracking on, he found another cliff side just a few yards away from him. And on that other cliff side, there was someone else standing on that side. When the drummer saw there was someone else just waiting to get in line to meet Death, his blue eyes widen.


''What?!'' the drummer gasped. He took another good look at what was there with him on the other side of the river. 


On the other side of the cliff, there was young lad. The young lad looked almost to be ten years old with his mangy blonde hair, tattered green cap on his head, dirtied soiled shirt that went down to his knees. The blonde boy wore no shoes on his feet, for the dirt on his feet was his shoes.


Who is this strange child? And what was he doing with Ringo?


''Who..who is...this child?'' Ringo wondered as he backed up to a tree.


A small... yet loud, bone chilling, temperature degree dropping laughter escaped from the boy's lips. The strange laugh was able to be heard to where Ringo was backed up on. The boy's laughter was cold and heartless, the drummer felt as if his soul just freezed. As soon as the drummer heard the boy's laughter, he began to shake immense fear as he shook his shaking arms behind the tree.


''By today, I will die...'' the boy recited. ''I will not be the victim of the tribe.'' ''Once I jump into this river, my soul will be granted into a statue with no heart. And that shell of my former self will forever stand in this river.''


Ringo shook in fear once more. He heard this child recite that he was going to commit suicide just as Ringo was going to do.


''Tee hee.''The boy giggled. 


Ringo let himself go of the tree as he slowly walked away from it. The immense fear in the drummer's cold eyes light up as he walked slowly forward as he reached his right arm out in front.


The drummer, who was now past suicide could not believe that this child was going to kill himself. The child looked so young, so young that he could not afford death yet. Ringo felt heart stricken that it was fear and sorrow that caused him to break free from the shackles of suicide. 


The boy let out another giggle as he clamped his hands together and immediately jumped into the river. The boy zoomed down towards the super fast current as if he were a war torpedo. 


''NO!!!'' Ringo screeched.


Immediately as the boy was falling ever so happily to see his death, Ringo came at top speed to save him from his doom, he ran several steps on the cliff until the end of his way.


One...Two...Three..Four...but there was no Fifth step when set his right foot stepped into nothing.


For Ringo stepped onto the step on the stairway to his death. 


Ringo screamed at the top of his lungs, so loud, and so terrifying, as he plummeted down to his soon-to-be watery grave. The symphony of Ringo's screams were all that were heard was a loud splash crashed.


Meanwhile, another young man, skinny with dark hair and brown eyes, came running from the bushes for he was following the sad drummer to save him from his fate. 


Unfortunately, the skinny young man came too late when the drummer met a terrible fate.


It was when the drummer collided with the water when the young man arrived. The only scene he ever saw was the drummer splash right in.


''NOOO!!!' 'the young man wailed. The young man far too late to save him. 


Meanwhile, Ringo was growing succumbed into the fiery water as he tried to reach for something to grab on. But, no matter how many times he tried to grab onto a rock or vine, the said object was either too slippery or came right off due to the fast current.


Ringo tried to poke his wet head from the water, but the waves pulled him back down as if it were a predator grabbing its prey. 


As the waves pulled him back down, the water entered Ringo's mouth and traveled down to his throat, and finally made its way into his lungs. The drummer's lungs were fully intoxicated with deadly clear liquid. He began to drown, everything grew hazy around his eyes as he reached out his left arm and choked on the water. 


Ringo choked, as he let out air bubbles that were his only resource of living, not only that, he -shockingly-  was coughing out blood too.


As he let out his choke of life, everything turned black.



Ringo Drowned.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2014 ⏰

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