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You kissed James goodbye before you left for work.
You recently acquired a job with the Kingsman Secret Service. You weren't a field agent yet, (you were working on it) but for now you were happy just working behind the computers and learning the tech so you could help Merlin ot with his workload. Being a secret service, James didn't know about your working there. You told him you were working for a big computer company since you were a wiz at them.
"I could be late tonight so don't wait up for me. There's leftovers in the fridge if you get hungry." You informed James before walking to the door.
"Alright hun, have a good day at work."
You smiled at him before exiting your apartment.
You didn't live too far from the tailor shop so you always walked to work. Well almost always anyway.
When you exited your apartment building you noticed a black taxi parked out the front. It was mostly the field agents or Arthur who drove around in them. There was only one field agent who popped up straight away when you saw it.
The window wound down.
"Y/n, babe. Wanna lift?"
Eggsy fucking Unwin! The cheeky shit who was always trying to crack onto you. You liked it sometimes but lately it was just getting too much. Especially since he knew James was in your life. Was it wrong you kind of liked it?
"Eggsy, you know I walk to work. I don't need a lift."
"A beautiful girl like you shou'dn' be walkin' to work. Jump in the taxi babe."
You sighed with frustration, "Eggsy, no. I'm a big girl that is more than capable of walking a block and a bit to work. You should know that after all."

Oh Eggsy did know you were more than capable as he was the one that taught you basic self defence moves. It was during this that he developed a crush on you. Yes he knew you had a live in boyfriend but he couldn't help his feelings. He'd never met James, if that was his name, all he knew was that he wanted you to himself. He knew you wanted him too but because of what's his face, you were playing hard to get. That was the way he saw it anyway.
He was never the type of guy to go after someone else's girl, there was just something about you that he liked and wanted it!
You weren't like the other girls he knew.
After some persuading on Eggsy's end, you eventully got into the taxi. Of course he knew it was only so then he'd stop pestering you but he saw it as a win.
Once you were in the taxi, he moved closer to you.
You looked over at him, giving him a questioning look.
He just gave you his cheeky smile. "Wha'?"
You gave him a crooked smile and shook your head at him.
Eggsy did try to grab your hand on the short trip to the tailors but you weren't having a bar of it.
As soon as the taxi pulled up out the front of the shop, you couldn't get out of it quick enough.
"Y/n, wait up will ya?" You heard Eggsy yell from the other side of the taxi.
"Eggsy, unlike you, I want to be on time for work! Standing here with you right now is making me late!"
"Well at least have lunch with me then," he mentioned as he caught up to you.
Lunch with Eggsy Unwin? Why were you even contemplating having lunch with him?
"Alright. I'll have lunch with you." You confirmed before walking into the shop.
Eggsy stood outside the shop for a good five minutes with a triumphant smile on his face before he walked in to start his day.

You'd become quite close to Roxy in the few months you've worked for Kingsman. She couldn't help but notice that you were a little distracted.
"Hey y/n, are you alright?"
"Hmmm? Oh yeah I'm fine."
"No you're not! Something is up."
Roxy was just too good at picking up when there was something wrong with you.
You sighed, "Alright, it's Eggsy."
"What happened? What did he do to you?"
"Oh he didn't do anything physical, he just asked me to go to lunch with him. I just keep thinking that there is something more to his asking me."
Roxy returned your sigh, "Y/n you can't tell him I told you this but he has a crush on you."
You looked at Roxy puzzled, "But he knows I have a boyfriend."
"He told me it wouldn't stop him from trying anything. Just watch yourself around him, alright?"
You continued to give Roxy your puzzled look but nodded your head in agreement.
Roxy smiled at you as she walked away to let you get back to work.
Not that you could concentrate anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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