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Jaedens pov

I woke up and got ready for school. I was excited to see Layla at school today. I mean I'm excited to see her all the time but I just feel good today.

I finished my breakfast which consumed of eggo waffles and bacon. (Elevens shook.)

It was still early so I decided to text Layla to see if I could walk with her today.

Jaeden❤️: hey Layla could I walk with you to school today?

Layla :)💕: ya I'm not ready yet so you should have time to get here.

Jaeden❤️: ok see you soon :)

Layla's pov

I heard the doorbell ring and I assumed it was Jaeden. I finished lacing up my white converse and ran downstairs. I opened the door and who was there surprised me.

My smile faded to a frown. Jaeden wasn't standing on my porch. Noah was. Wtf is he doing here? "Why are you here?" I asked disgustedly.

"Well you don't seem to happy to see me," he said with a smirk. "I'm not," I said back.

"I came to walk you to school. Can I not do that?" He asked. "No, you can't," I said. "And why's that? I can't walk a beautiful girl to school?" He asked.

"Jaedens walking me to school," I said hoping he would show up. "It doesn't look like Jaedens here though," he said smirking.

He took a step inside and I pushed him back out. "Wtf stay out!" I yelled beyond annoyed. "Woah, ok ok," he said taking a step back.

"You need to leave now!" I told him.

"Yeah, you might want to leave Schnapp," a voice said from behind Noah. Noah turned around as I looked behind Noah.

"Well, well, well, look who decided to show up," Noah said. I was surprised at who I saw behind Noah. It wasn't Jaeden but it was.. "Jack? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I saw Noah walk over here and I was making sure that he didn't bother you," Jack said. "Well he was, until you showed up," I said with a smile.

"Whatever, I'm leaving!" Noah said. He came close to my ear,"I'll see you later when there is no Jack or Jaeden to interrupt us." I shuttered.

"So, wanna walk to school or what?" Jack asked. "Actually Jaeden texted me and asked me that's why I answered the door. I thought it was Jaeden," I told him.

Just then Jaeden came walking up the driveway. "Oh, hey jack what are you doing here?" He asked. "I saw Noah walk over to Layla's and I was just checking in," he said.

Oh god. Jaedens going to ask about Noah and then he's going to confront him. Great!

"Noah? What was he doing here?" He asked. God why does jack have to be so dumb. I guess I have to tell him.

"Well he wanted to walk me to school but I said you were. And that's really all because then jack showed up and got him to leave," I told Jaeden truthfully.

Jaedens pov

First Noah came to Layla's house and then Jack? I was supposed to be the one to protect her. I was supposed to be there for her but Jack got there first. Man I was mad.

I know Jack was only trying to be a good friend but I just hate it. Whatever, I'm going to talk to Noah at school and make sure he never goes near Layla again!

"Hey guys come on, let's just go to school. We're going to be late," I said to both of them.

We walked to school and as soon as we got there I went up to Noah. "Hey Noah," I said walking up to him. "Well if it isn't Jaeden Lieberher!" He said.

"What were you doing at Layla's house? I thought I told you to stay away from her," I said. "Yeah, well guess I just couldn't help myself. She's just so beautiful," he said biting his lip.

That was it. 'She's just so beautiful." I've had enough. I shoved Noah on the ground. He pushed himself up and came closer to me.

"That was the last straw Liebeher," he said shaking his head. I felt his fist hit the side of my face. My head was ringing really bad and I started to lose my balance.

I couldn't let him win. I was so weak but something, just something deep inside me came out. I ran to Noah as he was walking away and pushed him as hard as I could on the ground causing him to get knocked out this time.

I quickly left the scene not wanting to get in trouble and headed towards the office. I got some ice from the nurse and put it on my cheek.

I got to class and sat at my normal seat beside Layla.

Layla's pov

I was in math and Jaeden wasn't there yet. I was getting really worried but decided to just let it go. I was in my thoughts when someone sat down beside me.

I turned and saw Jaeden with a bruised cheek and busted lip. "Oh my gosh, Jaeden what happened?!" I asked him.

"Noah happened," he said. Oh no, I knew he would go to Noah! "Jaeden, this was why I didn't want to tell you. Because I knew you would make a big deal out of it and get in trouble with Noah," I told him.

"Well it is a big deal! I told Noah not to go near you and he did. I don't want you getting hurt," Jaeden said.

"You don't want me getting hurt?! Look at you!" I whisper yelled at him. I was getting really annoyed. Jaeden was so protective of me and sometimes it gets too out of hand.

So I wrote this at 10:00 at night and I'm really tired so that's why it sucks. Gn everyone💕

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