Chapter 3

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the pain was so raw it felt like i was being torn from inside out than the pain traveled to my back i could hear the bones cracking taking a new shape i grew bigger

and hair sprouted every where than i passed out..........

when i woke up i looked around i knew that the river was close by so i went to get up but i felt as if i could move as if i was moving the wrong muscles to get up. plus everything still hurt. i looked down at my body thinking maybe i fell and something hit me or fell on me. but as i looked down i sawthat warm brown fur covered my aems and legs. but they were not the arms and legs of a human but of some sort of dog wolf maybe. i started to freak out and the whole wtf thing was going on but i still needed to see.

so i tryed getting up as a dog would and it worked. i started towardsz the direction of the river i wanted to see my face. i started to walk faster and faster until i came to a full ran and i felt so munch strong and free than i had ever before.

pretty soon i was in the small clearing that the icey river cut through. it was so pretty to just look at it had tall green trees bordering it 10 feet rom the water ther was beatful wild flowers from where the forest ended to 2 feet before the water. the water had a sliver and ice blue coler from the reflection of the moon and night sky.while i was think of all the time i have come here and just sat by the river readig i had come to its shore.

when i look over i didnt see the 5'4 girl with light brown skin brown eyes and curly hair no i saw a beatiful chocolate brown wolf . with amber eyes with little red flecks in them.

when i move it moved. this wolf was me but how....

my thoughts where cut off by the soynd of a twig snapping. i turned around so fast i almost fell down. what i saw surpised me. i have lived here for five years and and had never seen a wild wolf never and im always in these woods.

the wolf was blacker the coal and had beatiful green eyes its pawns were white at the toes. it was beatiful but that didnt stop me from seeing that it was coming closer as i was checking it out or the deep growl that came from my thoat.

********Black wolfs P.O.V********

as i changed during my rage i ran into the woods i was sooo pissed how could they do this to me it was unfair. i wanted to fingd my mate not be with some pup they found for me. ahhhh so annoying its only been a few years since the change i need more time.

i was running now at full speed a i came across a person shifting. i smelled the air it didnt smell like anyone i knew and i wasnt told of any other weres around here. curious i stay in the shadows the full trees provied. and watch soon the wolf passed out but woke a few minutes later when the change was complete. as the wolf stood up i watched and saw it was a female wolf that could have been much younger than my age of 17.

than she was running fast i followed being a quiet as i could . she came to a river that she looked at.she was completely oblivious to the world around her. i smelled the air again and smelt her sent. it smelt amazly good. as i stepfrom the shadows i snapped a twist and that sent her twirly around staring at me.

since she already saw me i started walking towards her i heard her growl but wasnt fazed but it she was growling alot as i neared towards her i tryed to get closer but she syarted to back away until she hit water and that when i ran toward her.......






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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 12, 2016 ⏰

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