Chapter seven

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My phone beeps, forcing me to open my eyes. The clock says 6 and I realize I fell asleep.

I look out the window and see that it's still light out. The sun is just starting to set and I feel refreshed from my nap.

The good mood that The nap had caused me to be in was ruined by my memory of all that had happened with Gavin earlier.

I sighed. I really didn't know what had gotten into him. I decided to take a few pictures to get him off my mind. It would just be me and my camera.

I put my phone in my camera bag and head out. I go out the lobby and walk behind the hotel where I can see the sun setting.

After I get a few of those pictures, I decide to walk the opposite way I went last time to see if there's anything good to get.

I take a few pictures of some random scenery and look around. Not every picture I take has to be of a famous landmark. London is just a very beautiful place no matter where you are. My phone buzzes in my pocket and a see that it's from Gavin. I ignore it and turn my phone off.

I lean down and get a quick picture of a rabbit over in a field a few feet away.

"Oof," someone says as I feel myself being pushed to the side. I look up and see Tom laying face down on the pavement. I can't help stop myself before laughter starts to bubble in my chest.

"You're really clumsy for someone who seems so graceful." I joke.

"It's seems like that's only true when I'm around you." he remarks.

"Hey what's that supposed to mean?" I ask, pretending to be offended.

"Okay well it's been nice running into you... Again. See you later." I say. I really just want to be alone right now.

"Pushing me away so quickly?" Tom asks. Now it's his turn to be offended.

"No it's not that. I've just had a lot going on and-"

"Oh ouch ouch," Tom says, grabbing his ankle.

"Oh gosh, are you okay?" I ask.

"Ehehe yeah but I might need your help to stand." he says, smirking. I rolls my eyes.

"You are such a fake." I say crossing my arms.

"Oh but it hurts so!" Tom said, overdramatizing the situation. I sigh and shake my head in disappointment. Tom looks up at me with puppy dog eyes. I give in and bend down to pull his arm over my shoulder.

"Thank you darling." he whispers in my ear. I jump at the sudden contact of his warm breath on my neck. He chuckles lightly.

"I guess I'll head over to the hotel." I say, putting my camera in my bag.

"So about that marvel marathon..." he says, looking at me. He's really tall so more like looking down at me. I decide that I really need to get Gavin off my mind, and the marvel marathon will be a great way to.

"Yeah that sounds fun. So when?"

"Now." Tom says, smiling.

"Hmm I'll have to check my schedule..." Tom narrows his eyes at me.

"No offense, but I'm pretty sure you don't have any plans. Sorry!" Tom says, and quickly apologizes.

I roll my eyes, "yeah whatever. Okay so do we watch the movies at your place or mine?" I ask.

"Mine. I have all the movies." he says.

"You have ALL the marvel avengers movies?" I ask.

"Yep." I laugh. I shouldn't even be surprised. I follow Tom back to the hotel, and into his room. I am cautious around the hotel, though. I don't want to run into Gavin. I know I'll have to face him sooner or later, but I'd prefer later. He texts me as I enter Tom's room, and I ignore it again.

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