Escape From Ath - Prologue

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This adventure takes place in the future, in a time of war. A time where humans have graduated from earth and settled on foreign planets. One of the most powerful planets was Ath. Ath was one of the few planets controlled by humans. Ath was a rich planet, with cities of metal and glass. Hidden beneath it's sparkling exterior, was a dark and twisted government.

While Ath started out as a a tourist attraction, war and destruction turned it into a planet devoted solely to creating the ultimate army. With advanced technology and help from alien allies, Ath's army became giant, genetically enhanced super-soldiers called Athens. In doing so, they would have to recruit soldiers when they were young. This was a very heart-breaking and terrible event. Whenever a boy was born on Ath, it would be recorded in the planets military records. When they became at least seven years old, the government would take them away from their family. The military would train these children until they were ten years old. On their tenth birthday, they would receive their Athen injections. These would enhance them, so that they would age more slowly, have much higher stamina, and strengthen their bones. This formula took decades to mature fully.

One boy, John, was watching the news with his family. They had moved from Earth to Ath a few years prior to the current war. He had dirty-blonde hair and was thirteen years old, three years too old to become an Athen. He was very glad that he wouldn't have to leave his home. Currently, just outside of their town, Athens were battling alien super-soldiers. John could hear the rumble of distant explosions. As he gazed out the window, he wondered what existed in the distance. The air was thick with fog and smoke. John felt very unsafe in his house.

Just then, there was a loud rapping on the door. That was followed by a man yelling "Open up! Emergency recruitment!" Johns heart stopped. "No! But I am too old," John thought. His father reluctantly opened the door. Two government messengers stood on the porch. "Do you have a son or sons of at least ten years of age?" one of the men asked. His father turned pale. "Well, I.." he was playing for time. "Sir, if you resist we have permission to search your house." His father looked at his mother. A tear trickled down her face. He turned back to them. "Yes," said his father, defeated. "Bring him to us." John slowly walked to the door, savoring every step. "Come with us," said one of the men. "But," John said miserably. "Emergency situations. You must be injected and immediately sent off to battle," he replied coldly. His mother closed her eyes and turned away. Wordlessly, John followed the two soldiers into the dusty bleakness of his future.


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