entry five again

121 8 2

june 5th, 2018

dear diary, 

the club is going to a movie and dinner tonight. i'm not very scared to see stan and bill and the others. it's richie. i feel really bad for making him yell at me and making him mad so i hope he's not too mad at me and will actually maybe talk to me. i hope he talks to me, i miss his voice. i hope i see him smile, i hope i see him laugh. i hope i don't mess up and i really hope that he will be happy. 

the movie is supposed to be really good so im hyped to see it but i don't think i'll be able to sit by richie which bums me out. i'll probably sit by stanley. 

also i hope dinner doesnt suck. we are going too my favorite restaurant and i just want to enjoy my meal with my 6 best friends with no yelling or crying please. 


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