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I have learnt that people will forget what you said, what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.”
                          -Maya Angelou
“Are the invitations ready?”
Iroh had started planning Zuko's birthday celebration as early as three weeks to the party. He even wrote the invitations by himself. “Yes General Iroh. Here is one,” the Lord Chamberlain said as he handed Iroh an invitation. Wong, the Lord Chamberlain was an averagely tall, grey headed man in his early fifties. He'd been the Lord Chamberlain since Fire Lord Azulon's reign. However, he was a trustworthy man and loyal to the Avatar as his father had been an acquaintance to Roku himself.

“Very good,” Iroh nodded as he examined the invitation. “Now, the first place we will send one to is the Northern Water Tribe.”
It was another stressful meeting filled day for the Princess of the Southern Water Tribe. Katara flopped down unto her bed as soon as she made it to her room. “Will these meetings ever end?” she asked herself. “I can only imagine what Zuko is passing through in the Fire Nation.” Katara sighed. Zuko had become such a big part of her life, she felt sad to be away from him. This was the fifth time Zuko was coming into her mind that day, although the master waterbender did not pay attention to that fact.

Katara reached out to her nightstand and picked up the hair clip Zuko gave her. She got up and walked to her window. The light of the magical sunset streaming in made the tiny beryls on the clip glisten beautifully. Katara ran a finger over the astounding designs on the clip. Katara sighed again.

She had not used the hair clip since it was presented to her because she felt it was too expensive for her to have, not to mention wear. She felt grateful that Zuko saw it fit to give her such expensive jewelry. She knew she would find an occasion to wear it soon. Just then, there was a knock on her door. “Who is it?” she asked. “It's Lian, Princess. Admiral Rohan arrived some minutes ago with the supplies,” the submissive voice of the maidservant sounded from behind the door. “Alright, I'm on my way,” Katara said.

Anytime they brought supplies, Katara would go there to take note of what and how much was brought. This development started two weeks before, following the illness of the man who usually did the job. Although the man was already better, it was decided to let him have his rest till he had fully recovered.

“Good evening Princess Katara, ” Admiral Rohan greeted with a respectful bow. “Good evening Admiral,” Katara replied with a warm smile. Then they began their job.

After business had been cleared, Katara made to leave. “Princess, before you leave, General Iroh asked me to give this to you,” Rohan said. Katara accepted the scroll which was sealed with the Fire Lord's seal. She raised an eyebrow in curiosity. Iroh always sealed his letters to her with the seal of the Grandmaster of the Order of The White Lotus. She did not see any reason why Uncle Iroh would use Zuko's seal.

She unrolled the scroll and read out loud:
The Dragon of The West, Former General Iroh invites Princess Katara of the Southern Water Tribe to the 21st Birthday of His Majesty, Supreme Ruler and Sovereign of the Fire Nation on the seventh day of autumn. The venue is the Fire Palace in Caldera city. His Royal Majesty, Fire Lord Zuko will appreciate the presence of his honoured guest. The celebration will be in the later hours of the day. The Fire Nation Royal house looks forward to seeing you there.’

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