Episode 2: Nightwalkers

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“This operation is imperative to take back the east side,” the superior said. He was a short and rather stout man. Unlike the teens he had been set in charge of he had no gifts and carried two handguns on his belt. His hair was thinning out and his skin was marked by scars from wars that had held purpose before the enhance project changed life.

"A number of people dissapear for days or weeks at a time and eventually show up in the middle of night. After killing a single person they would vanish again regardless of how many witnessess were left." The report on what they needed to know ended there. Kenny and Leah sat beside one another opposite to the superior and another teen.

He had sandy blond hair and blue eyes that would shift from lighter to darker shades for seconds to minutes at a time. His belt had two holsters on it for pistols and then four sheaths containing knives. Kenny had heard somewhere that his name was Joey, but he had never talked to him. The reason for Kenny not talking to him was not because he hadn't tried but more because Joey seemed to be constantly having a conversation with himself in barely audible whispers with only a few words ever being heard.

"It's a shame Monske couldn't come with us." Leah was trying to make the drone of the vehicle they were riding in go away. It irritated her and when she became irritated she became unpleasent.

"Well it's his own damn fault for destroying that building. This isn't like New Manhattan where no one cares if you destroy a building or two." Kenny was agitated from the lack of fire being lit in the vehicle. He found that watching the flames calmed him down but Monske was too busy filling out paper work because he destroyed a train station. Of course the building had been inactive due to teleporters being a better transportation, but the building had been a historical landmark.

Finally the vehicle stopped and Kenny was the first to make his way off the vehicle followed closely by Leah who wanted nothing more than to get out of the jeep. The buildings on either side of the street were boarded up. Down the street lights were pouring out of open doors and windows with sillouhettes of people standing in them.

"We'll finish up here quickly," the superior stated not even looking in the direction of the people. He was walking toward the opposite direction where everything seemed to become darker and where no light existed.


"A majority of the attacks are on young women, so," the superior gestured to Leah.

"The only reason you fucking brought me here was for bait?" It wasn't really a surprise to either Leah or Kenny. They all knew the old man was sexist and a racist and he would have prefered to of kept the group strictly male.

"Of course. Now just wander around till something happens." It was taking Leah all her will power not to snap the man's neck. She was not one to be ordered around.

"They're coming," Joey said louder than he had normally spoken. He looked up at the walls of the buildings and the others looked as well. A black human figure was crawling on all fours rapidly towards them.

Without contemplating the situation the superior took out his gun and shot three times the sound echoeing in the empty streets and alleys. The figure dropped from the tanth story of a building to the ground. To the surprise of the group the figure was sitting back up only a block away.

"What the hell?" The old man pulled out his second gun and took aim with both and shot repeatedly at the person. Not a single bullet hit him because he was in front of the old man in a matter of seconds. There was a glint of glowing red eyes as the guy raised his arm and swiped at the throat of the superior. The old man dropped to the ground without a single noise as the blood flowed from his throat.

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