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This is gonna be my first time writing a fan fic of KPOP! So hope you won't care bout' my grammar and stuff..hehe! anywayzzz...ENJOYYY!



Episode 1

Variety show?!


~Mr chu!~

Chorong: Waah! Great job gurlz! ;) but

i'm gonna miss this since

this is our last time

performing this

albulm...*face turns sad*

Bomi: Its okieee! As long we enjoyed

this performance and the past

ones then IT'S OKIE!

Eunji: Ya! Bomi-sshi's right! We enjoyed this moment and thats

all it matters! *Smiles brightly*

Namjoo: We did and we will never forget these moments! And maybe we should also move out of the way and go to our room too? cuz its really squeazy right now for people to get through..

Apink nodded amd went to the dressing room. They were talking and talking and were not aware of their surroundings too.

Eunji: Ouch! Oof! Uhhh...

Eunji triped over a wire and fell on top of someone.

Eunji: uhhh..umm..uhh..*blinks*

Baekhyun: uhhh..umm..*blinks*

Other exo members: *0.0* OOOOOH! ;)

Other apink member: *giggles*

Eunji: oh! Umm! Sorry! *Stands up**Blushes*

Baekhyun: Uhhh...Its okie*^U^* *blushes*

Eunji: (that was embarassing! but why did my heart beat so fast when i fell on top of baekhyun?0.0)

Baekhyun: (oh man! surely the others are gonna tease me later! but it felt kind of..good?)


Baekhyun: well sorry for juz now's incident! uhh.. we gotta go and perform..umm see ya' soon! ^U^

Eunji: see ya' too? ^U^

Exopink(not including baekji): *glances at both of them*

Exopink(including baekji):well..okay then byeee! see ya! byee!*bows* *bows*

Apink made their way to the dressing room and exo made their way to the stage.


They opened the door and saw a camera crew in there.

Hayoung: ummm... Sorry but who are you guys?

PD: sorry we are here to record you for your new variety show..There is another group that is gonna be in this variety show too...0uo

Apink: Jjinja!!!?? Who?!

PD: you will see tomorrow!

Bomi: tomorrow? We are going to start our recording tomorrow?! Yay! IM SO EXCITED!

Apink: Yay!!! we can't wait!!

Naeun: I wonder who is it?




~Nega overdose!~

Exo just finished performing their Overdose song. Exo stepped off the stage and started to talk about the incident that happened befor they perform.


Chanyeol: Hahaha! My bacon grew up SO FAST! *fake sob* *fake sob*

Baekhyun: *covers face* umm i gotta go to the toilet for a while...

Suho: okay then.. We'll be at the dressing room!

Sehun: umm...I wanna go to the toilet too can?

Suho: okie.. well ya' know where to find us! the dressing room btw!

Sehun followed baekhyun to the toilet.

Sehun: Heyy!

Baekhyun: oh! heyy hunhun!

Sehun: what'cha doin here??

Baekhyun: oh nothing...juz wanna cool down ya know?

Sehun: rightttt...okay.. tell me the truth! Do you like her?

Baekhyun: whose the her?

Sehun: ya know..

Baekhyun: okay.. okay.. maybe?

Sehun: maybe?

Baekhyun: i dun know..heyy! how about you?! you have been looking at Hayoung the whole time when she was singing and dancing on stage!

Sehun: ...hey! this is bout YOU hyung not me! And btw..you were looking at eunji the whole time too ya know!

Baekhyun:okay..okay..i admit it..maybe i do have feeling for her?

Sehun: well then, we better go or our scary and fierce leader will scold us!

Baekhyun: ya we better!

Baekhyun and sehun then went to the dressing room..little did they know,namjoo and chorong was standing outside the toilets.

Chorong: Namnam! You heard that! Baekhyun told sehun he has feeling for our Eunji! *Squeals*

Namjoo: i can imagine them together! OHH THEY ARE GONNA BE A CUTE COUPLE!

Chorong: we know that eunji and him like each other! eeek! *squeals*

Namjoo: ;)*squeals* *jumps around with chorong*

Chorong: OH! Dont forget Sehun also likes Hayoung! *squeals*

Namjoo:*squeals* those two couples are perfect for each other!!! >.<

Chorong:eeek!! Well we better go now..so come on!


Chorong and Namjoo also went to their dressing room. Except they skipped to go there. After that they were surprised to see a camera crew in front of their group.


When exo went into the dressing room, they were so surprised to see a camera crew in front of where they are supposed to seat.

Suho: umm..excuse me but who are you guys?

PD: we are going to record you for your new variety show.. there will be a group with you.

Exo: Jjinja! waaah!

D.O: umm but who?

Exo: Ya! Who?

PD: a group... you will see them tomorrow so do not worry...now stop doing those ugly puppy eyes please*>~<*

Exo: well.. Worth a try •_•


Episode 2 sneakpeak...







This is the end of this first episode or chapter or idk..well neva mind well.. hope ya enjoyed it! BYEEEE! HAVE A FUN SUMMER OR JUNE HOLIDAY!

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