Before It's Too Late

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"Alright you two" Slenderman said as he handed Jack and Ani a photo, "this man has been spotted close to the mansion and I need you to take him out." Jack looked at Slender and raised an eyebrow. 

"Seriously?" he said, "that's it? One guy? Sally could handle this!" Ani sighed.

"What I'm sure Jack means is, why is this man such a threat?" Slender crossed his arms.

"Because I have seen the same man here before 500 years ago," Ani and Jack looked at each other in disbelief "he isn't an ordinary human, clearly, and I don't trust his motives." The partners took another look at the photo. 

"What's that he's holding?" Asked Ani, "it kinda looks like...a camera" 

"So, what? He likes taking photos? Let's just kill him and get it over with." with that, Jack walked out of the front door. 

"Ani" Slender said as Ani turned to follow her partner, "Be careful. The reason I put you two on this is because I believe you are the only ones who can handle it. Even still, make sure you both stay alert." Ani nodded and hurried after Jack. 

The night was cold and snow covered the ground. Jack pulled the photo out of his coat pocket and studied it. 

"This is weird..." he mumbled "how have we not seen this guy around? If he's as old as Slendy thinks he is, i'm sure we would've spotted him at least once"

"You're right" Ani answered "I don't like this. But I have confidence in us!" Jack smiled. 

"You know," he said "you've really come a long way since we met. I wasn't sure I'd like having you as my partner but, turns out you're not useless after all!" Ani laughed

"If that's your idea of a compliment, it's not a very good one" Jack looked down at the ground embarassed


"I'm only joking" Ani smiled giving Jack a playful punch in the shoulder "thanks for everything, you were a really great teacher." Jack blushed 

"Yea well, I had a really great student." The two continued to walk. Jack had been having feelings for Ani for a while now. He felt close to her and wanted there to be something more between the two of them. However, he wasn't sure if she felt the same way about him. She was always kind to him, but then again, she was nice to everyone. He couldn't figure out if this was just her personality or what. Since this would be their last mission for a while, he decided to take this time they had along to get some information. 

"S-so" Jack said, blushing slightly, "how have you liked living here with all of us?" 

"I've loved it!" Ani answered "I'm grateful for everything you've all done for me and I couldn't be happier!" Jack smiled.

"Well, what about, you" Ani looked at Jack a little confused. 

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I mean, how have you liked spending time with me? I know sometimes I come off a little, well, abrasive..." Jack turned and faced his partner, heat instantly rising to his cheeks, "B-but I'm working on it! And I think you're really helping me with that!" Ani smiled.

"Of I love spending time with you Jack! And, while I'm glad I'm helping you, truth me told I've always liked you just the way you are." Jack stopped "Hm?" Ani turned around confused "Jack, are you ok?" Jack was nervous. He knew that this was the perfect time to finally say something to his partner. To finally tell her how he felt. 

"Y-yea" he said hesitantly "I just, I just wanted to know that because...I...was hoping that we" Ani's face began to lighten up. She knew what he was about to say and was eagerly awaiting his next few words! After all, she had been holding feelings inside for Jack as well. Before he could finish, Jack noticed a flash in the distance. Ani turned back around as another flash appeared.   

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