Meet The Chirrido!

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The Chirrido is based off the kangaroo rat though some sprout sudden traits such as bat or humming bird  wings, bushy tails, cotton tails, floppy ears, etc.

The Chirrido are known to be shy and skittish, often scurrying away into hiding when another species comes near although they are best at social interactions they are rather kind and generous souls who often give more than they receive. Their diet consists of insects, seeds and berries. They live in groups of ten and these groups are called troops. Chirrido have pouches but female's pouches have more silky fur around and in their pouches to keep their offspring warm and cozy on cold desert nights. Male Chirrido's pouches are used mainly for carrying food or bedding and other stuff.



The Chirrido started out as average kangaroo rats. They were taken from their natural habitat from scientists that were attempting to create a new species of rodent. The scientists mixed the kangaroo rats' DNA with other species. Many kangaroo rats died from these experiments, others had just a few changes to them and seversl grew strange mutations.  The most common outcomes were death or kangaroo rats that grew pouches. The living Chirrido were released back into the wild where they bred, causing more mutations and more Chirrido.




Humming Bird ➡ common
Pixie/Fairy ➡ uncommon
Bat ➡ rare
Dragon ➡ultra Rare (slightly large than bat wings, Chirrido with this mutation tend to be better flyers)
Dove ➡ uncommon
Phoenix ➡ ultra rare
Eagle ➡ uncommon
Insect ➡ common (lack the ability to fly)
None ➡ common


Bushy ➡ uncommon
Normal (feather) ➡ common
Cotton  ➡ uncommon
Kangaroo ➡ rare (better balance)
None ➡ common


Floppy ➡ common
Normal ➡ common
XL ➡ uncommon
Small ➡ rare
Pointed ➡ uncommon


Long ➡ uncommon
Short ➡ common
Silky ➡ rare
Wire ➡ rare
Poodle ➡ ultra rare
None (hairless) ➡ uncommon


Small ➡ common
Ultra Small ➡ rare
Medium ➡ uncommon
Large ➡ ultra rare

*Chirrido is Spanish for "Chirp"

Chirrido communicate with squeals, cries, squeaks, chirps, whines, whimpers, purrs, growls and grunts, etc.

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