New things in the world

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 As the kids were walking I began to join them. There were four kids 3 older boys which were joking around until they saw me and began to whistle at me and act more gentlemen like. And the cool thing was that they All had shaggy black hair. But in the back of the line, there was a girl. Her hair was straight and bright red. Like a fire, I could nearly feel the warmth in my heart.

"Hey," I said casually

"Hey!" The other girl said

"Oh sorry for my brothers they always act gentlemen like when a cute girl is around like you. Oh, I'm Victoria Mcgraw! " Victoria said with a deep warm smile.

"Oh, I'm Alison Rose! I just moved here a few months ago. And your hair is beautiful how are your brothers hai- " I said

"Hello, sunshine whats your name? " One of the boys said cutting me off.

"Way out of your league that's what! " I snapped back. I could see in his brown eyes he was someone more than what meets the eye.  He gave out a short whistle. the boys up front gave out a little giggle.

"Wow, your a spicy little girl. I've been looking for someone like you." He said Flirtingly. he swung his arm around me.

"Well just saying, spicey girls, like you don't last long in there. " He said while pointing back to a big castle coming up on the hill. 

"Leave her alone Austin. " Victoria said with a snare. Austin left.

"So sorry about that. They can be a little...a lot out of hand sometime's. " Victoria said with a smile.

"Oh and those are my twin brothers Luke and Joshua. " Victoria said, I gave a little wave to her brothers. They waved back with a clean welcoming smile. Austin smoldered at me and I just rolled my eyes at him.

"OH," Vicotria said out of the blue nearly startling me.

"You can call me Vicky or Victoria I just really need a friend like you. " Vicky said. I could see a long lasting friendship in between Victoria, Luke, Joshua and especially Austin. I could see Dovern Academy coming up on the hill. It was a magnificent castle with stain glass and gravel walked ways. It had clean grass, freshly trimmed and gray stone that looked like that if it could talk it could tell a really long story.

" You guys have fun getting put in your caste! " The boys said.

"Caste? " I Asked Vicky.

"Oh, boys and girls the same age as us, Thirteen to Fourteen are put in like a group system like a house to keep people where they belong so to speak. " Vicky said looking at me to see if I had any confusion.

"There are 4 groups in the whole academy. My brothers are In  Falcon! " Vicky said.

"I hope we are in the same caste! " Vicky said while we walked under a giant archway where her brothers went a separate direction.

"So," Vicky continued.

"There is Falcon, Eagle, Dove, and  Canary. Most of the girls are in Dove and canary But I want to be the first girl to break the sex boundary and get into Eagle and or Falcon. " Vicky said with a determined expression.

"Me Too! " I said with pride. We high-fived and moved into this Huge room with five long tables separated by color I thought. The room was well lit up and in the front of the room, there was a long table where all the professors sat with an emerald cloak and some had gray hair and glasses.

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