chapter 7

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Jackson’s P.O.V: I sit on the bed waiting for my friends to help me with the date. I texted Bryce and Mikey a few hours ago, where the fuck are they? I was about to give up and do it myself, until they dramatically came through the door. They raid my closet trying to find the perfect first date outfit, while I just scroll through my phone. “Jackson what about this?” mikey says holding out some black skinny jeans and a Stranger Things shirt. “Isn’t that too casual??” No it's a first date you guys shouldn't go out to a fancy place.“Yeah I guess it works, Thank you” “No problem, We’re going to go now have fun on your date! You better tell us about it!” As they walk out, I put on the outfit picked out for me and head to the bathroom, grabbing my hair gel, scrunching my hair to make it kinda curly in some places more than others. Once I’ve decided I’m somewhat ok with my hair I check my phone (that was playing sam smith at the moment) and turn off the music and walk out. I look for my gucci shoes, finding them under my bed and go to my closet for some socks. I put on the socks and slide on my gucci shoes feeling more confident already. I take a deep breath, grab my wallet, phone and text my roommate that i'm heading out.

Oof 5 days to get a filter chapter out ik ik i suck 😪 plz like,comment and vote 🤷‍♀️

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