First Day of School

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 Picture of Milo --->


The girls woke up Monday morning at 7 o’clock on the dot. Raven grumbled and pulled the pillow over her head, attempting to block out the world and everything in it. Ami sat up in bed before looking over at her sister’s motionless form. Sighing, Ami forced herself to get out of bed and take a hot shower. Last night, both girls had decided to walk in late that day, just to ready themselves for what would happen the rest of this year.

While her sister was taking a shower, Raven dragged herself out of the bed so she could put together the papers they needed to give the office when they walked in. When she had finished putting the papers inside her purse, Ami stepped out of the bathroom fully dressed in white skinny Jeans, a black shirt that fell off her left shoulder, effectively showing her black bra strap and her birth mark on her shoulder.

         “Nice outfit, sister.”

         “I thought it was, too. You don’t know how many other hot Earth boys there are, so I got to be prepared.”

Raven resisted laughing at her sister and grabbed a towel out of the closet by the bathroom. “I suppose you are putting on make-up, too?” Ami nodded with a smile, showing her slightly pointed canine teeth. If you looked close enough, you could see Ami’s feline features: Her slight, graceful body, the point to her canine teeth, her high cheek bones, the same green colour to the eye that cats have.

Ami was the type of alien that could change into the form of a cat (The gene came from her Cattian father, not their mother. Thank God.) and if you caught Ami during a particular day, she would sometimes even act like one; it was actually quite hilarious. Raven undressed herself, stepped into the shower, and turned on the water to luke-warm. She stood there for a minute just to feel the warm droplets hit her body before actually washed herself clean.

The girls finished getting ready and headed out of the motel building, but just before they reached the doors an attendant stopped them.

          “Excuse me, ladies.”

Raven and Ami turned around to face the man behind the counter, who was motioning them over with his finger. ‘Uh-oh. I think we’re in trouble for something.’ Ami thought to her sister worriedly. Raven mentally brushed her sister aside and went to the front desk.

          “Yes, sir?”

          “You two haven’t paid for you room for the past two days. I want that money if you don’t want me to throw you two out of here this very second.”

Both girls blew out a sigh of relief and handed him over the money. He seemed pleased that he was able to get the money from the two and told them to have a good day before turning back to the computer behind the desk. Raven hailed the nearest cab and gave him directions toward the school.

The cab ride from the motel to the school took nearly an hour due to traffic which put them behind schedule by twenty minutes. No matter, they wanted to arrive late anyway, but Ami was bouncing in her seat from excitement, it was driving Raven crazy. She resisted the urge to hit her sister, clenching her jaw in the process.

Once the cab came to a stop, Raven thrust a handful of money at the cabbie and grabbed her purse, following a very excited Ami out of the cab. “Isn’t this so exciting? I wonder what it’s going to be like in a class full of humans. Will they be able to tell we aren’t-?”

Raven snapped her fingers, instantly muting her into silence. Ami’s mouth kept moving but no sound came out, surprising her before she realized what had happened to her. ‘You bitch!’ Ami sent to her sister hatefully before snapping her fingers to un-mute herself. Raven raised her eye-brow then shook her head, why didn’t Ami think of that in the first place?

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