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What does it feel like to be lonely?
You have never been lonely like I have.
When you sit there in a group of people who call you their friend.
They laugh in their own conversations while you sit there in silence.
Tears fall at home so no one sees.
You don't know how it feels to be ignored until needed.
At home. At school. At church.
It's all the same.
Nothing changes.
But I put on a smile and shine brightly as I comfort other people.
I tell them that they are not alone.
If you need me then I will always be there.
I wish that I put in a place to be there.
Don't let me go.
Even Tyler has a Josh.
But I have no one.
The world does not know true sadness until their only friends in life are books.
Mine are all books.
They help me disappear from the world and all earthly matters.

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