181 6 44

Category 1. House Targaryen

Category 2. House Stark

Category 3. House Lannister

Category 4. House Martell

Category 5. House Tyrell

Category 6. House Baratheon

Category 7. House Tully

Category 8. House Greyjoy

Category 9. Characters of the North

Category 10. Characters of Dorne

Category 11. Characters of the Crownlands/Stormlands/Vale

Category 12. Characters of the Reach/Westerlands/Iron Islands

Category 13. Characters of Essos

Category 14. Dead characters

Category 15. Best female OC

Category 16. Best male OC

Category 17. Best plot

Category 18. Best past (Robert's Rebellion, Aegon's Conquest) AU

Category 19. Best GOT AU

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