Chapter 1: We've Got a Little Over at Aisle Five

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Jeongguk had been extra precautious while roaming around the store the first day in February. He knows all-too-well not to let his eyes linger too much on the toy aisle in Walmart.

But, he couldn't help the fact that his body subconsciously stopped while staring at the stuffed animals that filled the metal cages in the middle of the aisle and aligned the shelf to the left of them. And, Jeongguk couldn't help the fact that he practically wondered further into his, soon-to-be, impending doom slash embarrassment. (He practically walked into three more aisles stocked with stuffies, and Jeongguk has to catch himself from reaching out to touch one cause; Holy shit, as he eyes one of the stuffed animals, eyes going wider than usual. I almost just slipped into Little Space.) And that's all it takes for Jeongguk to—practically—book-it out of there, terrified of what could happen if he stayed longer.

He wasn't able to make it far though, a tall guy standing in his way while the cart behind him barely made any wiggle space for him to escape. Jeongguk had knew then that he fucked up, big time. He knew he had little to no social skills (always being the "quiet one" in the group) and had terrible social anxiety that had him clamming up everytime someone wanted to talk to him.

What with his anxiety kicking in and the stress he's felt accumulated over the past month, Jeongguk was bound to slip into Little Space. Except, this would be the first time Jeongguk had slipped from Big to Little in a while—or what felt like a while—especially in a super-sized front of someone he doesn't even know or trusts.

It wasn't even noticeable until Jeongguk started sniffling loudly—he always blamed himself for being a loud crier—and started making incoherent, gurbled noises that caught the attention of the other man that occupied the aisle they were currently in.

His head turning to look at the male, startled by the noises he made before his eyes softened at the brunette. He cautiously walks forward, his hand going to the boys cheek as the boy wiped furiously at the drops of water that spilled from his eyes, flinching at the touch of the other. He looks up, his eyesight blurred with unspilled tears that clouded his vision, some of which cascaded down his cheeks.

The other man's breath hitches, the sight of the doe-eyed Little taking his breath away. He quickly shakes the thought as the Little's eyes produced more tears, the little grabbing a fistful of the man's shirt as he buried his head into his chest and sobbed his heart out.

The man didn't take long to get over his initial shock as he practically pulled the boy closer, running his hand up and down the boy's back—and occasionally through his hair—to sooth the Little. It didn't take long for the boy's sobs to turn into quiet sniffles as he let the other man sooth him until he was drifting in and out of sleep. And, it took every ounce of him to fight back the sleepiness that wanted to take over—especially in his headspace—but it was all futile as he was lulled to sleep, letting darkness consume him.

When Jeongguk woke up to someone talking, he did not expect to have been sleeping in a fluffy bed, and tucked into the white sheets on said bed. "-Yeah, I know Hyung but- can you just listen for a second?" There was a small silence after that and Jeongguk thought that maybe the other had went outside to speak. That thought alone has him getting up from the bed, the loud creak indicating his departure. "Look, Hyung, I gotta go." Jeongguk freezes as he hears that voice again. "Yeah. Okay. Bye." Jeongguk's heart rings in his ears as he hears a chair screech against the floor before he can hears footsteps. His blood runs cold the minute he sees the doorknob turn and he's frozen in place. Soon the door was being pulled open, and as the man walks in Jeongguk hears a light "Oh, you're awake." resonate from him as he watches the man plop onto his bed with a light sigh.






hey guys, new story that's about to make you melt with cuteness. hope you're ready. ;) anyways, lately i've been not writing other chapters for the rest of this story cause i got some writer's block and i don't know how to continue. i'll probably figure it out on my own but- i'm just saying. anywho, *hacks aggressively* i'm kind of sick and have no idea if i'll be posting every week or something so, i have to figure something out. anyways, vote, comment, share, and enjoy the story! peace out my potaeto's! i loaf you! :)♡

p. s. happy joon day guys! i'm gonna go listen to some dimple, stream idol! ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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