Chapter 1: The first letter

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Blank stares all I see in this dreadful place is blank stares and puke cover faces. They pump us full of drugs in order to somehow help but I fail to see how not being able to form any cognitive thoughts helps anyone, truthfully I think they just want to ease the trouble on themselves they want us the scum of this earth gone. I personly don't blame them I mean we aren't the best people on the planet but let's be real here they are a shitton worse for taking away our free will. What is a world without choice? Hell, that's what. Unforenetly those who reside in places such as these are supposedly meant for hellfire and brimstone as some would say I, however, believe that most of the people here are misunderstood. In most of the cases here someone, something or the world molded them into a complete monster with small bits of innocents still trapped inside there blackened hearts. I myself am no stranger to the darkness that plagues the men and women that reside here you see the reason for the corrupting darkness in my heart and mind is dew to this world. I want more than anything else to watch it burn until nothing but ash remains even if it means I die in the process that would actually be preferred. I know you must be thinking to yourself "why do you want the world to burn? you must have a valid reason for this?" truth is I don't I just have a natural affinity for fire it's a truly beautiful thing that I'd like to share with the rest of the world there is truly no better feeling than the heat of flames hitting your face as the smell of smoke fills your lungs. I don't think its wrong nor, do I think its right I think that it is simply an instinct that is inside of all people to love the flame to have a fascination with how it all works to what causes the explosive reactions in fireworks. the desire is just hidden people don't act upon it instead they throw the people that do in a place like this. Well if that's what they think then there really isn't much I can do about it is there well there are a few things I can do... however they may not approve of my methods of fixing things. I can feel the twitchy stares of my fellow delusional broken beings. Honestly, I just feel like I'm personly in the wrong place I mean come on there is not a thing wrong with me right? Of course not we both know I'm as sane as can be old friend. I stood as I wrote the last line smiling softly to myself I hope she likes it. The one girl in this world that I feel I can truly trust I hope she gets this message and that she misses me too.

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