Chapter 1

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The BAU team had just arrived back from a case and it was early in the morning. Hotch had given them the day off to rest after a tough case. Spencer had a strong craving for some coffee and there was a coffee shop that had just opened up near the office. He grabbed a few books off his desk for some light reading. Some of them were language books or pertaining to hand gestures.

Once he had a cup of coffee in hand he headed to the bookstore across the street. As he walk towards the back he bumped into a girl making her drop her books.

'I am so sorry," he says as he helps her pick up her books. Much to his relief he hadn't spilled his coffee on her.

She kept on looking at him which puzzled him. Most people would start talking during this scenario.

"Eliza! I am so sorry sir, she doesn't mean any harm," one of the workers said.

Spencer was puzzled. "Why can't she speak for herself?"

Then it clicked and he hit his forehead in realization. "Why didn't I think of it sooner! ASL, American Sign Language used as a form of communication used by around 70 million people as their native language. Commonly used by people who are deaf or hard of hearing," he started to ramble on much to the girls' amusement.

The younger girl started to sign something to the other person. The shop worker chuckled. "She says it was her fault, she wasn't watching where she was going."

"It wasn't all her fault, I wasn't watching where I was going either. I was actually trying to find a few books on languages."

"Any specific language?"

"Well I was curious with any pertaining to hand gestures. So ASL? I'm looking to learn to help me with my work."

Eliza signed something which was translated by the young woman. "Eliza says she can teach you if you'd like."

"That- that'd be perfect. Thank you."

"I'm sorry, I haven't asked your name. I'm Alice Hughes and this is Eliza Hayes."

"I'm Spencer, Doctor Spencer Reid," he replied.

Eliza signed again to Alice which she gladly translated. "Eliza has requested I act as a translator for the two of you for a bit before I have to go back to work."

Spencer smiled. "Thank you so much Alice. Why don't we sit at a table?"

The two girls agreed and they moved into a corner of the room. "So Spencer, what is your job?" Eliza asked.

"I work at the BAU, as an FBI agent. I'm a profiler," he replied. "You?"

"I work at a school as a teacher for deaf children," she told him.

"It suits your personality."

"What do you think my personality is like," she questioned with a puzzled expression.

"I think you are a timid when you meet new people but are more open and extroverted as you get to know them. You're left handed because you sign more with it. You probably play an instrument because of how your fingers are impatient. You also do art because there are ink stains on the palm of your left hand."

Eliza and Alice looked a bit impressed. "What is it like to be an FBI agent?" Alice questioned.

"It's interesting to say the least. It keeps me away from home for days on end. How do you like your job?"

"I love watching the children smile and improve their ASL. I work with the younger children."

The shop manager approached them. "Alice, you're break will be over soon. Do you mind taking over the cash register while Jane goes on hers?"

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