help me

19 1 0

I need someone that can just comfort me whenever I need to be comforted.. also yesterday my mum realised how stupid I am and said that I probably have dyslexia so that was fun!1! But idrc anyway so oh well.
Also I have a swimming carnival coming up and I need to swim 25 meters and so far I can only do 15 sooo

I feel so tired emotionally,, but not physically. Scientists say that if you are feeling upset that sleep is the best therapy so that might be a good idea.

Oh and btw ima say a joke. (Ps I have a friend called gee so that is why this is funny.
What did Eliza do when she was sick?
She made conGEE
Why couldn't she eat the conGEE?
Because she hadn't JungKOOKED it.

:) ~~<<<<

Ok welp ima sleep now
Peace out bulletproof girl/boy/other scout ✌🏻

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