My brother , K

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I wake up
It just a bad nightmare
I get out from my bed
And sit outside my room

My tears fall
I keep it fall

That nightmare
Makes me think about him
Him is my brother

I always bergaduh with him
When I was little
I don't know why

I always be mad of him
But he just do nothing to me
He just doing fine
Always help me
But I not helping him

I refuse to give him the fish ball
But he give the fish ball when I want to
He's kind, he's my brother
How can I not realised
That he always protect us
He always get the pain
Why everyone keep blaming him?
Why I'm also blaming my own brother?
Why I do not protect him? Why?

I just see him feel the pain
I just do nothing at all
What a bad sister I am

My tears keep falling and falling
I don't care
Because now I'm so sad
When I'm thinking about this

Now I want to change
I want to love ( sayang) my brother
I want to protect him
I want to help him
I want to share the pain he had through too
Because I'm his sister
I'm a sister
This is my responsibility
To take care of my siblings

"Ya Allah, please protect my brother whenever he is now, please protect him with your greatest power. Ya Allah, if he sick please cure him with your power. Please... Ya Allah. Allah is my god. Aku meminta kepadaMu tolonglah lindungilah adikku dari segala mala petaka dan kesusahan yang adikku akan hadapi dan telah dirasai. Aku sanggup, Ya Allah untuk rasakan kesakitan yang dia rasai. Biar aku menjadi ganti kepada apa yang dia rasa. Biar aku je rasanya. Aku mohon limpah rahmatMu,tolonglah rahmatilah dia dengan rahmatMu yang agung. Masukkanlah dia ke dalam syurgaMu tanpa hisab. Aamiin, aku mohon agar Engkau perkenankan doaku.

I'm crying
But this time I wipe it
Because I want to pray
In solat , there were a connection
Between Allah and us.

Assalamualaikum, thank you for hear this voice of heart.

Love your siblings
Appreciate them
Make them happy
In Shaa Allah you will not regret

Er...I hope this English language is okay. And there's no another meaning for it😂.

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