Chapter 1: The meeting

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You were happy....more like excited you and your best friend were on your way to Seoul. It was your first BTS concert in Seoul and hopefully not your last. You guys were prepared to do all the BTS festivities for this weekend. After all you guys flew from England why wouldn't you? You haven't been into kpop for that long but you were a BTS fan and you weren't proud as yet to call yourself an army. You still denied it but in your heart you were one and you knew it. Your best friend Danny who you've known for 8 years now got you into them. He took you to their first world tour concert in America when you guys were there. Now that you guys were in England it was easier to go to Seoul. Upon landing you guys headed for the hotel to check in you were tired and wanted a nap. Dan wasn't having it.

Dan: "I'm just as tired but we only got the weekend Yoshi can we go explore. We can sleep when we are dead."

Those were his famous words every time we were tired but he wanted to do something he would say that to me. I shot him a death stare.

Yoshi: "Fine lets go."

We left the hotel after I changed and we headed out the door. We looked around right across our hotel was big hit entertainment company. We stared at the building in front of us amazed at the sight.....there was nothing special about it but we were still in awe.

Yoshi: "Dan just think they could be in there practicing right now."

He smiled then said "I'm hungry Yoshi lets get food."

You guys went to the nearest food place you can find, you go in there and order food. While waiting two really tall guys walked in one was strawberry blonde with long arms and taller than the other who had black hair and wide shoulders. You and Danny both recognized them immediately. It was Jin and Namjoon of BTS. They came to get food for the group because guess what they were practicing. Namjoon ordered food and Jin just stood there on his phone. He looked around but didn't say anything he just nudged Namjoon to look. Danny was internally freaking out and you sat there staring at Namjoon and Jin features. You wanted to stand just to see how much taller they are than you but you kept calm and when Namjoon saw you he smiled taking a second look. The cashier called the name you had given for the order. You went to collect your food Danny did not move till you went back to the seat. Yoshi: "Yah lets go back to the hotel and eat, I'm famished!"

You wanted to stay longer and just stare but you didn't want it to be obvious.

Danny got up and said, "Omg its Namjoon and Jin Yoshi! Do you not see them?"

He basically said it loud enough for them to hear. They turned around and smiled Namjoon being the kind and wonderful leader that he is turned and said hello in english and asked if we knew them Danny froze he couldn't say another word.

I responded, "Yes we do I am new to kpop and my friend who I guess can no longer talk is a seasoned veteran."

Namjoon laughed and said, "Your friend huh?"

He was curious and continued to talk but i was hungry so i was trying to rush the conversation at the same time he was looking over you from head to toe......what was going through his mind you wondered.

Yoshi: "Yes my best friend and I are specifically here for your comeback concert this weekend."

Namjoon, "Thats great are you guys gonna be at the fan sign tomorrow?"

Yoshi, "Yes."

Namjoon: "Thats great. What is your name again?

Yoshi: "Yashoda Tamil but you can call me Yoshi and this is Daniel Akagi. Would it be ok to get a picture with you guys?"

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