Jungkook stop breaking things

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Back to Namjoon. You were kissing him and he kissed back deeper this time. It was a few minutes before he broke the kiss. He had his hand on your waist and you had your hands around his neck. You looked him in the eyes and and you moved your head as to say ok. He moved his hands up and took off your shirt. He stopped and just admired your body for a  minute. You were sitting on your knees on the bed. He moved in and kissed you again. It wasn’t meaningful this time it was hungry you took his shirt off breaking the kiss to do so. But he went back to kissing you. Then a knock came at the door.

Tae and Jimin: “Yoshi we need you? Can you come out please?”

You looked at Namjoon and he sighed and you put your shirt back on and went outside. The boys saw Namjoon in the room and how he looked. He was quite pissed but something had happened and they needed you.

Yoshi: “What’s going on guys?”

Tae: “Jungkook kind of cut himself.”

Yoshi: “What!? How did he do that?”

Jimin: We don’t know he came to the living room with his hand bleeding.”

Yoshi: “Oh my God…..how does this boy do things like this. Ok I’ll get the first aid kit guys  lets go.”

You guys went to Jungkook that was in the living room. He was on the couch with a towel on his hand. Jin was there with him holding on to his hand.

Jin calmly:  “We might need to go to the hospital.”

You were unsure of that.

Yoshi: “Let me see his hand?”

Jin got up and you removed the towel. It wasn’t that bad but it was a flesh wound. You took out some alcohol and bandage and you cleaned the wound to get a better look.

Yoshi: “You will probably need some stitches Kookie. I’ll be right back.”

You went to the guest bathroom and took out all the things you would need. Of course you had supplies you are studying to be a Doctor. You went back to Jungkook and began to stitch his wound. After you wrapped it up.

Yoshi: “You’re done Kookie now what happened?”

Kookie: “Well I was in the bathroom and I was kind of playing around and my hand hit the mirror and it broke. I’m really sorry Yoshi.”

He looked at you with puppy eyes.

Yoshi: “The one rule I had was don’t break stuff…..but it’s ok Kookie as long as you are ok. No playing around in small spaces ok. There’s like the whole back yard.”

Namjoon: “And you guys said I break everything.”

Jin: “Ah! Where did you come from?”

Namjoon: “I was standing here the whole time.”

Everyone looked at Namjoon like he was crazy. He really wasn’t there the whole time he came in at the end and heard what Jungkook did.

Kookie: “Sorry.”

Yoshi: “It’s ok Kookie don’t worry we will get it fixed tomorrow.”

Yoongi: “I’ll look at it Yoshi I can probably fix it.”

Kookie: “I’ll pay for it.”

Yoshi: “Would you guys stop worrying. Yoongi we have people that can fix it and Kookie its not that expensive don’t you worry.”

All the boys were finally starting to calm down. You saw how they all cared for each other. They were definitely a family and Jungkook was definitely the baby. Jin and Jimin was still with Jungkook making sure he was ok. Suga went to bed and Tae and Hoseok looked sleepy but they were still worried.

Kookie: “Hyungs I am ok go sleep I will be in bed in a few.”

They all left and you were out there with Kookie. Namjoon also went back to your room. He wasn’t happy but he figured the mood was destroyed so he just went to bed.

Yoshi: “Are you sure you’re fine Kooks?”

Kookie: “De Yoshi thank you for this.” (pointing at his hand.)

Yoshi: “No problem I kinda have to make sure you guys don’t get hurt I guess I kind of failed.

Kookie: “No you didn’t this was my clumsiness not yours, plus I didn’t die.”

Yoshi scoffs: “Rightttt. I think everyone went to bed are you gonna stay out here?”

Kookie: “Yes but can I ask you something Yoshi?”

Yoshi: “Sure.”

Kookie: “I know we all never asked because of the way you react and according to Namjoon hyung you don’t like to talk about it but what exactly does your dad do?”

Yoshi: “Thats a complicated question….why do you ask?

You were always good at responding with questions never giving away everything. That was part of the business training.

Kookie: “Its just that I heard you talking to Steven earlier and you kind of threatened him. I just want to make sure that Namjoon isn’t getting in over his head.

Yoshi: “Ahh so its out of caring and not curiosity?”

Kookie: “Both I guess.”

Yoshi: “Well I do owe you guys more than just sales…..My dad is a very popular salesman and he sells to people all over the world. He is one of the biggest distributer in the world. No one crosses him. He’s got to where he is because he’s done some pretty bad things Kookie. Thats why I’m trying to distance myself from that life. Thats all I can say about it.”

Kookie: “Will we be in danger by being your friends Yoshi…..especially Namjoon?”

Yoshi: “No Kookie, Danny has been my friend for 8 years now he’s never been in danger…..I would never put you guys in that situation. My first instinct is you guys’s safety. Thats why I’m studying medicine.”

Kookie: “I trust you please don’t let me down.”

Yoshi: “I hope I don’t.”

You got up to go to bed when kookie held your hand.

Kookie: “Again I am sorry about the bathroom.”

You looked at his sad face and pulled him of the couch and gave him a hug.

Yoshi: “Again its ok. Now go to bed kid.”

He laughed and he went to the room. You went to your room. Namjoon was knocked out and you changed and went to straight to sleep. When you got into bed Namjoon pulled you in and snuggled.

*****Authors note: Jungkook is a baby I just want to hug him and feed him he's so cute ahhhhhh👶👶👶❤❤*****

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