where i wound up

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Slow rythmic breathing, the soft thu bump thu bump of my heart alows me to know that I am truly alive. My limbs are heavy. Almost as if im weighed down by bricks stacked on top of me. I manage to roll over, but as soon as I roll I feel pain shoot into my brain from every part of my body. As if my blood was turned to needles and it rushed to my brain at the same time. I flop on to my stomach. As the pain subsides I manage to open my eyes. I see what looks like a feld flowers. The seem to be blown about by the wind but they are stuck in a single spot. I become very confused. I look down and see grass, but it feels nothing like grass. it feels as sharp as a knife. I know that im cut very badly. But there is no blood. Nothing but large cuts and slices in my flesh. Im shocked to see my arms. I look them over carfully. Torn apart and seemingly skined. I see only my bones and joints. How is it possible? I look around. The land scape is beautiful. Flowers and trees. Birds and small creatures surround me. it calms me. I take a small step and pain shoots up from my foot and into my head. I grasp my head and scream in pain. What is this place? Why am I here? I take another step and the same pain shoots through my body. It is pure torture. I take a look around, there seems to be a small house on the far side of the field. I gather all of my courage and sprint in the direction of the house. the pain is unlike anything I have ever felt. I scream as tears of pain stream down my face, slowly sliding down my body and hiting the ground. I continue to run atempting to ignore my pain. I open my eyes and see that im only a few feet from the door. I scream one last time as I push all of my remaining power into a few more bounds. Pushing as hard as I can I finaly reach the door. gasping for breath I grab the handle, but as I turn it the door flys open and I fall onto the floor, alowing the darkness to take me in and I slowly feel the pain slide away as I black out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2010 ⏰

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