Chapter Four

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Bacon. That's the first thing I smell when I wake up from my heavy sleep.

What the hell was I dreaming about last night?

I rub my head as I sit up in the empty room. It takes a second before the events of last night come rushing back to me like a swarm of angry bees. At least he had the decency to leave instead of insisting on the awkward morning after conversation. Glancing wearily over at my bedside table, I notice a folded piece of paper with my name on it. With a deep breath, I pick it up and read:

Thanks again for last night, it was awesome! You seem like a really great person as well as smoking hot. Call me if you want, if not no worries.

Underneath is his hurriedly scrawled phone number. Well no guy has ever left me a thank you note before.

I slowly climb out of bed and wrap my robe around myself tightly, concealing all of last night as I do. Padding into the open-plan kitchen/front room to grab the biggest glass of water I can find, the first thing I'm greeted with is the onslaught from my best friend.

"Here she is! Here, a champion's breakfast!" Olivia enthuses fresh faced and beaming as she thrusts a cup of black coffee my way and serves up an immense breakfast of pancakes, eggs and bacon.

"What's the catch?" I say with narrowed eyes as she serves me enough to feed a small army.

"No catch," she replies, tucking in herself, "so where is he then, still asleep?"

"Um no, he left," I respond honestly as I drown my pancakes in syrup.

"Wow a fuck and Chuck?" She says ungracefully making me almost spit out my coffee in surprise.

"No! He was great and he left me his number," I protest honestly.


"But ... I don't know if I'm looking to date anyone. I mean even last night was a rarity for me," I confess, ignoring her suspicious eyes as I wolf down my breakfast like a ravenous lion.

"Well, I'm just glad you enjoyed yourself. I mean it's good to see you take a chance and be spontaneous for once," she smiles, cutting her bacon as I help myself to more eggs.

"Good, now will you return my honesty by telling my why you've very selflessly made breakfast when you too are hungover?"

"Fine," she sighs in defeat, "my mom and dad are throwing some pool party/barbecue. I totally forgot it was their anniversary."

I groan in response, not really being rude seeing as Olivia isn't too fond of her own parents either. How she's so down to earth and good hearted after being raise by their falseness and "white family values", I'll never know.

"Look I'm sorry but please you have to come with me! I cannot face another lecture about how Trump is America's greatest hope alone," she exclaims in frustration. "Seriously it's like talking to a wall - pardon the pun - and as my best friend, you already signed up for this sort of thing!"

"Ok, I'll come with you!" I laugh in defeat agreeing to spend a day around rich white privileged people that refuse to admit or be grateful that they are in fact privileged.

She gives me a grateful smile as we return to our food and she recounts in great detail about how her evening went. I don't mind if it means avoiding accidentally telling her about mine and what I thought I saw. It was totally normal right? To imagine Ryan ... then? I mean I was totally wasted plus I'd just seen him in the club. It's totally normal.

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