/| A Mistake By: Yours Truly |\

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   It was a bright and sunny evening, when Lindsay Lohan was sauntering down the street of her new neighborhood. She had a bright smile on her face and had absolutely no worries at all. She was confident that her new living area was going to be as perfect as 'the ultimate regime' is (was) to Adolf Hitler. Lindsay didn't think anything would or ever could go wrong.

   All of a sudden, she halted in her trekking, as a sweet scent filled her nose. She took in a deep breath, and her eyes widened. "Could that be...?" She whipped her head around in all directions, making a full 360 degrees in sight without turning her body. Alas, she caught the origin of the smell. The house right next to her.

   Obsessively, she threw herself through the window of the house, and then began running towards the kitchen while shouting random bible verses in a Jamaican accent.

   The person whom who was cooking in that very said kitchen yelped and jumped back in surprise, as he did not expect a perfectly normal human being to abruptly come into his not-so-secure-because-of-easily-breakable-windows. "Who goes there?!" He shouted and held up his spatula in defense.

   Lindsay froze in place as he recognized the man. Prince, was who it was. She gazed down at his spatula, and then screamed in terror. She backed away out of the room like she was the devil and that cooking utensil was holy water.

   "What is it, lady?!" Prince shouted, cowering back from the woman. He was concerned for both himself and the stranger.

   "M-My... I-I'm..." She began to stutter as she sank down to the floor. "MY GREATEST FEAR!"

   He furrowed his brows. "What? A black man?"

   "SPATULAS!" She cried out as she wept and covered her face in her hands in his kitchen doorway.

   Prince glanced down at the spatula before back at her, as if processing it all. Then, he shrugged, and chucked it behind him. The utensil broke a window and flew out into his backyard. He thought it was just the sound of absolutely nothing at all, though.

   Lindsay's breathing calmed, and she swallowed hard. "Thank you," she gasped out as she took her stand once more. "Now, what is that amazing smell?"

   "Febreze," Prince said flatly and turned back to his counter full of foods.

   The woman suddenly gasped, and her eyes lit up at the sight of that food. "I see now! That was it!" The black man only turned to her with a straight face. "Fresh vegetables." Hunger and delight danced in her eyes.

   "You mean you smelled that from the sidewalk?" He batted his eyes in astonishment. "Dang, girl, why haven't they hired you as a tracking dog down in the police department yet?"

   "I must have those f r e s h v e g e t a b l e s," she spelled out the two words randomly for no reason at all as she ignored what he said. Her gaze was too fixated on the fresh vegetables, and she gradually walked towards them with her hands held out in front of her, as she was ready to snatch them.

   "Well you can have them when I'm done," he smacked her hands away with a Hello Kitty lamp. "Back, I tell you!"

   "Fresh veggies," she whimpered.

   "I do not know how to prepare fresh veggies." Prince confessed casually as he dropped his lamp on the floor.

   "Well, then let's find somebody who can," Lindsay suggested, and her black acquaintance nodded in agreement.

   They stuffed all of the fresh vegetables into some Walmart bags, and then exited the house. From there, they went down in the street hastily in search of somebody who could roast their veggies.

Fresh Vegetables (A Fanfiction??)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें