Amy Williams

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"Hey Doctor?"  Clara trailed off as she sat on the TARDIS consul, legs dangling off the edge.

"Yes Clara?"  The Doctor answered back, while scanning the wires on the consul.  He was trying to fix the chameleon circuit, which he had been putting off for over a thousand years. 

"Well, I was wondering. . . You know how you said that you can bring me wherever I wanted?"  She began. 


"Can I meet my favorite author?"  She blurted out.  Clara thought about meeting the magnificent Amelia Williams, famous author who lived on the thirties. 

"Who is it?"  The Doctor asked. 

"Amelia Williams.  She lived during the forties, and wrote my favorite book in 1946."

The Doctor froze, and dropped his sonic, in a state of shock.  He blinked repeatedly, trying to process the information. 

"Amelia Williams?"  He croaked out, making sure that he had heard correctly.  Could it really be his Pond?  But, there must have been many Amelia Williams in Manhattan, 1943.  "Can I borrow the book?"  He asked, scared that Clara had it. 

Clara nodded, and ran to her room on the TARDIS, quickly getting of and handing it to the trusty Doctor. 

He quickly flipped to the last page, the about the author bit that nobody seemed to ever read.  His eyes scanned the paper. 

Amelia (Amy) Williams, nee Pond, was an author in Manhattan, New York CityShe was married to Rory Williams, with a son named AnthonyLittle is known about her past, only some was revealed by her son, a few years after her death

The Doctor dropped Clara's book and ran a hand through his hair. 

"Really Doctor?"  Clara exclaimed at the sight of the fallen book. 

"Sorry."  He moved to pick it up, but froze when something caught his eye.  The dedication.

To my raggedy man: 1:30PM, March 4th, 1946.  Pay me a visit, will ya?

"Yes!  Yes, yes, yes, yes!"  The Doctor exclaimed, much to Clara's surprise. 

"What's wrong, Doctor?"  She asked, alarmed.

"Clara Oswald, Let's pay a visit to Miss Amelia Williams."  He flipped multiple switches and pulled a lever.  The TARDIS began to shake and make a wheezing sound, as it traveled through time and space. 

The Doctor and Clara stepped out onto the warm Manhattan streets.  Clara grinned, looking at the way that people dressed and the way that her surroundings looked. 

The Doctor sauntered off to the post office, Clara in tow.  A man with black hair was standing at the counter, leafing through mailed letters. 

"Excuse me,"  The Doctor began with a pleasant tone.  "I'm looking for a Rory and Amelia Williams- distant relatives of mine." 

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