Psychic Papers

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The two times that The Doctor ignored his psychic paper, and the one time he answered it.  

Tenth Doctor-

"Where to next?" Donna asked The Doctor while he leaned casually on the TARDIS controls.  Donna was walking around the consul, her hands skimming the  the wide array of buttons and levers, switched and knobs.  

"The beach!"  The Tenth Doctor exclaimed.  "One of the biggest beaches in the universe!  Only a strip of sand around the equator, and the rest of the planet is water.  You should see it in winter, really.  All the water freezes up with waves hundreds of feet tall."  (I'm American.  Deal with it)  He fiddled with his psychic paper.  

"Let's go."  

"Hang on a second."  The Doctor said.  There was a message on the paper written in blue pen.

The Library
Come as soon as you can

He changed the coordinates on the TARDIS.  

"We're going to go to the biggest library in the universe,"  He pulled a lever.  "Here we go!"

The duo laughed as the TARDIS shaked and jolted like a roller coaster.  In the back of his mind, The Doctor wondered who the message was from- and why they would send it.   

Eleventh Doctor-

"Come along Ponds!"  The Doctor exclaimed as he waved the two Ponds into the TARDIS.  As soon as Amy and Rory were inside, he shut the doors with a snap.  The Doctor sauntered off to the consul, straightening his bowtie.  

"So, Doctor, where to next?"  

"I was thinking that we could go to the planet of Mondas, where red is blue and blue is red.  I once lost my TARDIS there, took me days to find it. . ."  The Doctor continued jabbering about different adventures and strange planets.

Amy walked around the consul fiddling with levers and buttons.  The Doctor poked his head over the side of it. 

"Don't press that.  If you do, then we might end up in some different dimension."  Amy quickly removed her hand from the button.  

"Hey Doctor, can I borrow your psychic paper?"  Amy asked after a bit of time.  She and Rory were sitting on  the railing of the TARDIS, watching The Doctor scramble around the controls.  

"Sure."  The Doctor pulled out his psychic paper from his pocket and tossed it to Amy from behind his back.  

"Thanks."  She caught it easily, and showed it to Rory.  

"Hang on,"  He said.  "Doctor, there's writing on this.  Looks a bit like River's"

The Doctor froze, his hand halfway through turning a lever.  "What?"  He tried to keep his voice steady.  "Toss is back."  As soon as he got his paper back, he opened it.  

The Library
Come as soon as you can

River.  The Library.  Donna.  Memories came flooding back, most of them unwanted.  Memories of River's last words.  Memories about how helpless he had felt as he watched her die, right in front of his own eyes.  The Doctor shut his eyes and took a deep breath.  More than anything, he wanted to take his TARDIS to the library and save her.  

He reached for the keyboard- all he needed to do was type in the coordinates.  It was that simple.  No.  He jerked his hand back.  It was a fixed point on time.  If he went back, this future would never happen.  He put his face in his hands, trying not to think of what his past self was doing- walking into The Library with Donna Noble, waiting to see what danger lied ahead.  

"Doctor, what's wrong?"  Amy asked, her voice worried.  "Are you going to answer it?"

"It's nothing, Amelia."  He paused, changing the subject.  "Let's go to Manhattan, it's nice this time of year."

He smiled at her, trying to cheer her up. . . and himself, too.  

Twelfth Doctor-

Clara held up The Doctor's psychic paper to the light.  A message stood out as clear as day in blue pen.  

"Doctor, what is this?"

"Oh, nothing."  he didn't even look up from what he was doing.  

"You didn't even look."  Clara walked over to his side of the consul.  "See?"  She put the paper in front of him.  He gazed at it, his light blue eyes guarded.  

"Give me that."  He snatched it from Clara's hands, and put it into his coat pocket.  He scanned the message, seeng what he hoped he wouldn't.

The Library
Come as soon as you can

"But what was it?  Who wrote it?  Will you go to them?"  Clara asked a stream of questions, and he waved his hand to tell her to be quiet.  

"It was a note.  In my tenth regeneration, I got the same message.  I answered it, and I can't go back."  There was something in his voice that Clara hadn't noticed before.  Sadness?  Greif?  

"You didn't say who it was from."

"It doesn't matter.  She's gone now."  He replied.  Clara recognized the tone in his voice now.  It wasn't sadness or grief.  

It was regret.  

Phew.  It was a bit hard writing 12 and 10's part of the story.  I was watching Silence in the Library for inspiration, and Donna said that they were going to go to the beach when The Doctor changed his mind and went to the library.  Well, it was fun writing (i stared at my computer screen void of ideas while an hour passed by)  Hope that you enjoyed!

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