The Future

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After becoming Hoenn League Chanmpion, you didn't know what to do anymore. Upon first returning home, you were so tired from the journey, the battle against Team Aqua, and the battles with Steven Stone and the Elite Four that you did little more than sleep for two days. Now you had recovered from the ordeal, but still didn't know where to go from here. The thought that you not only became a Pokémon League Champion, but also saved the world from Armageddon seemed unreal, yet it had happened. In trying to process all of this, you remembered all of the places you had visited and the people you had met. Your rival, all those underwater caves, that monster of a Metagross, and Wally.

More than anything, the thought of that weak, sickly, green haired boy took up your thoughts. But he wasn't weak or sickly anymore. In the time since you first helped him catch his Ralts, he had become a highly formidable trainer and a much stronger person as well. When he last spoke to you on Victory Road, you sensed gratitude, hapiness, and perhaps... attraction in his voice despite his defeat. That last part always made your heart skip a beat. Even in his weaker state you thought he was cute, but following his growth as a trainer, your affection for him grew that much more. Honestly you'd really like it if he felt that way about you, but that was irrelevant right now. Above all else, you needed to find away to get out of this funk.

It was a rather simple solution really, you'd fly to Petalburg City and just do some window shopping. Sure it wouldn't help you to figure out your life path, but you figured that anything was better than just sitting around. You'd start small, just do little things to get back into the swing of things, then you'd tackle the bigger issues afterwords. One Pokémon calling and a few minutes later, and you were there.

As you moved towards the stores, you saw him. Wally was there, adorable as ever, but he looked upset, something you hadn't really seen before. Then you noticed that he looked to be arguing with someone, a Woman in a strange red outfit who seemed very familiar.

As you walked towards them you heard the woman say, "Tedious... bothersome... child... You should... just be quiet... and give me... the Key Stone!" Hearing that odd manner of speech was more than enough to refresh your memory. This woman was a Team Magma Admin named Courtney, she was with her team's leader when Kyogre was unleashed.

"I'm telling you I don't have it!", Wally responded, clearly having been harassed by the admin for quite some time now. Courtney looked like she was about to speak again when you decided that enough was enough.

"I won't let you bother him anymore, leave now or I'll make you leave!", you said, trying to be as intimidating as possible. With your arrival, a look of relief swept across Wally's face and he looked to you with a smile.

If Courtney was frightened, she didn't show it, instead she turned towards you and said, "Aha, Nice timing... maybe. I'll be taking... yours first! Give me... the Key Stone!" With that, she moved her clenched fist to her chest and raised her elbow into the air in what must have been some sort of Team Magma salute. Then she threw a Pokéball, calling out a Mightyena.

This didn't bother you, it had been quite a while since your last Pokémon battle, and while you had wanted to take things slow, you couldn't fight the adrenaline that was overtaking you. You called out your trusted starter, Blaziken and wasted no time in ordering a double kick. Clearly, Courtney wasn't expecting any resistance, since her dark type fell quickly to a few well placed kicks and she apparently didn't have any other Pokémon to send. Recalling her Mightyena, rage flashed briefly across her face before she returned to her normal emotionless expression and walked away, radiating silent frustration.

Wally looked back at you before saying, "Thank you so much for helping me with her ________!" With those words, a look of sorrow crossed his face. "I'm sorry you had to do that to save me, I guess I'm not worthy of being your rival after all..."

"No it really wasn't any trouble. I actually thought it was quite enjoyable! Besides, I wanted to say..." You stopped before you could say the pivotal words, unsure of how he would react.

"________? What did you want to say?"

"I... I... I love you! But I'm afraid you'll never feel the same way!" With that, Wally pressed his lips against yours, making your heart beat so fast you felt it might explode.

He broke the kiss and said, "Hearing that is such a relief, from the moment you helped me catch my first Pokémon, I've thought of you as an angel, but I thought there was no way you'd go for a guy like me..."

With those words, you felt overwhelmed and this time, you kissed him deep and passionately, cradling the green haired boy in a tight embrace. So much for taking things slowly. In the end, you'd decided that a big push was more valuable than a gradual recovery. Whatever the future may bring, you wouldn't be facing it alone. Now you had Wally.

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