Half a heart

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Nicolas POV

I love my dad so much he finally agreed to let me go to revive usually I'm not allowed to do anything he's so strict but finally I can go I have to tell lillia!

I whip my phone out and it goes off in my hand, it's my boyfriend harry

-hi babe theres some rumors going round about me just ignore it beautiful see you later beautiful x-   

That's weird he's never normally like that.. I need to sort this out so I texted tyreece he knows everything about harry so he would know about these rumours      

-hi, T it's nic what are these 'rumours' about ? -

I carried on with getting ready while waiting for T to reply, I was going clothes shopping with my sister skye normally sisters are rivals but me and skye are really close We're like best friends!

My phone goes off again, it's T

- just some girl was jealous and made up a rumour that hazza came on to her, but hey don't shoot the messenger :)-

Ty never fails to make me smile but who was this girl, I needed to know I started typing

-oh okay who's the girl I have some serious...- 

skye runs into my room and I mean ran INTO my room

"skye what's up?"

"Jane kissed harry and Jane's spreading rumours that he came on to her!"

wait. Jane!

My cousin Jane!

My cousin of all people!

Well we aren't really cousins just by marriage but still

"Did harry kiss her back ?" I said holding back my tears

"Yeah he was as into it as her"

A single tear escaped my eye

I started furiously tapping my phone

- oh just a 'rumour' was it well I don't think so well guess what harry we're over delete my number and don't even TRY talking to me I don't want to see you again! EVER-

I was so angry but I meant I didn't want to see that scum ever again

"we don't have to go to town if you don't want to?" skye said soothingly rubbing my back I looked up at her with big eyes

"it's fine I've been looking forward to this all week and I'm not going to miss this because of that son of a bitch"

skye giggled and looked at me with a worried expression

"what? what is it?"

"your makeup it's run! crisis"

I giggled a little bit

"if it's that bad why don't you sort it out?"

I loved skye doing my hair & makeup she's so much better at it than me and she loved doing it!

"well I am that concerned about it so I will!"

I sat and allowed skye to do my makeup, I waited for skye to take my partly done makeup off and when she finished I put my hair up in a bun out of the way.

My phone buzzed it was Michael he's been my best friend since we were in pre school i poured my juice box over his head and he smiled at me and since then we've been friends

-I've just heard the rumours and went to see jade she's says it's all true I'm so sorry princess

who do you want me to sort out first?

love you princess xxx-

'love you princess' it meant nothing to him but to me it meant a lot! Michael my first crush I really do love him

-Thanks Prince but he's not worth it he's a useless waste of space and I love you too xxx-

'I love you' had more meaning in it than he would ever know

Michaels POV

i stretched and finally opened my eyes i looked at my clock.

shit! 11 o'clock I checked my phone.

2 new messages and a new voicemail

I read the messages they were from George my band manager

-Mike where are you?-

-we need you now mike hurry please-

I checked the voicemail and it was from Luke he told me that when I get the chance to call him because it was urgent

so I rolled out of bed and called like I put it on loud speaker as I got ready

"Dude there's gonna be some serious beef today have you heard?" He said in a slightly excited worried voice

"no I don't think I have why what's up?"

"your mate nic's boyfriend kissed her cousin jade"

shit the of my dreams heart must be crushed harry is such a douche ill show him who he's messing with don't mess with my princess

"still there mike?"

"Yeah just thinking about nic I can't believe he would do this to her the most beautiful teenager in the entire universe and he's gone and snogged that tramp"

"you really care about nic don't you" he said in a teasing tone

"so what if I do she wouldn't feel the same" I sighed

"well have to get to practise Luke see ya later"

"see ya mike"

I slid my blue beanie on and slid down the banister

"took your time Mr" mum's always messing about she's never serious that's where I get my cheekiness from

"can you drive me down there please mum? and can we stop off at kfc please?"

dans favourite we all love a bit of kfc but dan is the kfc prince it would get me in the boys good book and say sorry for being late I jumped into the car and messaged nic

-I've just heard the rumours and went to see jade she's says it's all true I'm so sorry princess

who do you want me to sort out first?

love you princess xxx-

she is my princess but she'd never know how much meaning is in my words

she replied almost immediately

-Thanks Prince but he's not worth it he's a useless waste of space and I love you too xxx-

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