Chapter 2 - Annoyances and Adventures

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Chapter 2 - Annoyances and Adventures


Alex waits until the royals file out of the council room before she dares to get out of her hiding spot. She exits out of the loose tile in the room beside the council room, the weapons room, instead of where she entered. Alex was lucky enough that no maids or servants had seen her the first time and didn't want to push her luck too far.

After she regained her composure, Alex feigned nonchalance as she walked out of the weapons room. Her breathing hitched when she caught sight of the kings and queens gathered outside the council room doors, murmuring quietly to each other. Praying that they didn't notice her, she quickened her pace down the opposite side of the corridor.

"Well, hello there princess," a deep voice spoke, "What a pleasant surprise."

Alex held back a groan as Prince Cosmo of RiverWood, King Lucius' son, walked out from the shadows behind the weaponry room door. He wore a blue vest with his kingdom's emblem embroidered above his heart along with a white, baggy sleeved shirt and black breeches. His shaggy raven-black hair is swept neatly to the side, framing eyes like shards of piercing ice. A cocky smirk was plastered on his face.

"Go away, Cosmo," Alex snapped and pushed past the prince, giving him a good shove as she passed.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the arrogant prince reel backwards, just barely catching his balance in time. She stifled a laugh.

His footsteps sounded behind her. "Not even a proper greeting? Where's the title? Where's the godly worship? I must admit, I am very unimpressed with your rude upbringing, princess," he scolded, "Hmm . . . I must have a talk with your father on this one."

"That frog-brained moron is too busy strutting around in his fancy jewels to care," Alex scoffs under her breath.


"Never you mind," she snaps, "Go go pester some other poor fool. I'm sure they'll grovel at your feet."

"Why so rude, princess?" He feigns hurt, "Who has hurt you so bad that you can't love?"

"Shut up."

Cosmo laughs, quickening his pace to match mine, "Ah, you're a feisty one, aren't you? Playing hard to get. We'll see about that after the week."

She stops dead in her tracks, "What did you say?"

A crooked grin spreads across his face. "You heard me, princess. My father has some other business to attend to in Blackwell and I tagged along. And since he wants me to stick close to you, you are going to be seeing a lot more of me."

Alex groans, "You've got to be joking me."

"Now why would I do that?" Cosmo says, triumph clear on his face. He pauses before adding, "So, did you know that all the princes in the area are after your hand?"

"Shut up Cosmo," she growls and storms down the corridor, "You won't be seeing much of me anyways."

"And why is that?" He shouts dismally at her rapidly decreasing figure.

"Because I'm going on an adventure," Alex yells, "And you aren't invited!"

Alex is turning the corner when she hears Cosmo shout, "We'll see about that, princess!"


"Alexandria!" The shrill feminine voice, most likely a maid, called, "Quick, Alexandria, your father wants to speak with you!"

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