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©2014-2019 Maria Diallo

All rights reserved



Full description:

Twenty-two guys and girls, aged 18 and up, reach the so-called Love Motel, an ableist building in the middle of nowhere, with the hope to find passion, pleasure and, why not, even love.

Things, however, threaten to go south when someone starts spilling secrets. Some might be innocent, other are deadly. The only thing our protagonists can think of is playing the pointing finger game, but is it worth it when it only comes to craving for passion?

Main characters:

Meadow Seale

Kyla Alston

Adrian Buxton

James Forster

Casey Rosendahl

Butch McElhany

Leann McCaslin

Lyna Ramsey

Katniss Sull

Austin Falvey

Justin Faria

Noah Brilliant

Porter Jennings

Ryan Ahlberg

Brittney "Britt" Dutton

Bailey McCrosky

Jessica Atkins

Sloane Tabor

Burton Eberly

Barney Melack

Shea Harder

Ainsleigh Hollyer

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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