Prideful cat

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My body twitches
And shakes

Anger bubbling
Like an overflowing pot

Everything done before resurfaced
I feel like mittens
Some lowly cat
Coming back for food
With such a degrading name

Everything I do
Everything I say

Why is this so much for me?
Am I deluded?

As mittens
I'd rather sacrifice food for pride
I don't need it
I don't care anymore

Why can't I rise
Without debt

Ideals against ideals
Owner against pet

No chance of getting my point through
But I do it anyway

For pride

This poem is done after I was forced to do things that damaged my pride. It's been done before, but I gave in willingly. It seems like nothing can be done at times, and that's what it was like. I was forced on the ground after yelling no, but in the end I couldn't resist, as I'm quite small and weak. They were older, stronger and taller, I knew I had no chance, but at least my pride was not gone so quick.
You should fight for your pride, and stand on two feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2018 ⏰

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