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__Jimin Pov__
The doorbell interrupted me.
"Just wait a minute Jiminie"
Yoongi stood up and went to the door.

I slowly walk to the direction where the door was.

I saw a man who was tall and looked scary.

I just saw Yoongi's back,but I saw that his body was shacking.
The facial expression of the man looked disgusted

__Yoongi pov__
"Hello son.",the man spoke.'s not him..i'm just dreaming,'s just a fucking dream!
That doesn't make sense!Why is my father here?How did he know that I lived here?

"Where are your manners?We didn't raise you like that."

I just smirked disgusted.
"When did you even raise me?",I responded.

I didn't even know where the brave came to say that straight to his face..the man who I hated the most.

"You son of a bitch!",he shouted and punched me in the face.

I fell down to the floor.
He didn't change,not even a bit.

My face was in pain,but I didn't want to cry in front of this man.

"Hyung!", I heard the voice of Jimin shouting.
He came down and hugged me.
"Ya!Why did you do that sir?!",he yelled at my father.

"Sighs..I didn't know you hang out with wimps.You're such a big blame for the family,but I didn't come here for nothing.
Yoongi,you'll come with me.I have important business to talk with you and I guess you have to or don't you want to see your beloved Seokjin-Hyung again?"


Still remembering Yoongi's dad?
You can read Yoongi's past in ch.9 and 10 again~

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