Description of Salatul-Istisqa

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1- It should be prayed as a two-raka'at Salat with neither the Adhan nor Iqamah. Recitations in both raka'ats are said aloud.

2- The person observing this Salat says the takbeer seven times in the first rak'ah after the initiating takbeer. In the second rak'ah, he says five takbeers apart from the one he says while standing up from the prostration.

3- He raises his hands with each takbeer, praises Allah and extols Him. He also seeks blessings upon the Prophet ﷺ between each takbeer.

4- After the Salat, the imam delivers a single sermon in which he seeks a great deal of forgiveness and recites Al-Qur'an over and over. Thereafter he supplicates, saying many of the authentic supplications of the Prophet ﷺ, with insistence, showing humility, helplessness and demonstrating how powerless he is in front of Allah (the Most High), raising his hands up even higher (than he does in ordinary supplications).

5- The imam faces the Qiblah, turns his cloak inside out, placing what is on the right on the left, and that of the left on the right, while he continues to supplicate to Allah.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2018 ⏰

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