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What if, your life was an ongoing cycle of different lives, different bodies yet the same soul? an infinite amount of past lives and forever more to come. your re-birth begins directly after death and you immediately forget your past as soon as you enter new life. This is the story of a girl whose death she didn't forget.

I regret every word, her life's in danger because of me. My five year old sister, running into the woods because of what i said. The reputation for this maze destroys all hope for safety yet i try not to let that stop the inch of hope i have.

"Eva!" I bellow at the dead silent woods praying for a response... nothing. Instinctively, i enter the woods and run through the darkness despite not seeing much apart from the faint silhouettes of trees towering over me; I used my hands to feel through the numerous trees that i had to battle my way through. Branches scraped across my skin, revealing blood dropping onto the floor as the intimidating sound of wolf howling surrounded me, echoing throughout the empty woods.

"Eva!" i tried again, hoping to grab her attention.

"Hello?" the faint mumble resembled a little girls voice, enlightening me with hope.

"Where are you?" no reply. i search through the endless trees running as fast as i could. my bones stiffened as the cold freezes my entire body and the howling of the wolves continue. Is she ok? reality hits as i remind myself of the reputation of this forest... where several murders have taken place, stories have been told and close friends and family have reported different sights. Recently, a story was told on the news about this forest, in specific someone reported that a teenage boy was found buried underneath several rocks and leaves. After investigating the body, knife wounds were discovered that pierced the main functioning organs, hence his death. We live directly opposite the terrifying maze that no one dares to enter, honestly I'd rather live on the streets than have the burden that next to your house, lies possible murderers that could slaughter you. However (due to the low cost of the house) at the time my parents were desperate and chose to avoid the false rumours. Economically, me and my family are struggling and had to resort to this location which is why, currently they're at work, trying gain more income to survive. I try to rationalise with myself, not considering the possible worst case scenarios yet that seems to be impossible, my heart begins to pump louder and harder.

"Eva, where are you!" i try once more, turning round cluster of trees hoping for her presence to come. I look into the distance and study every inch of this maze. Once again i swiftly twist and turn throughout the perplexity of this wood.

Immediately i stop. Eva?

"She's playing hide and seek with me" Eva innocently replies. All of a sudden, my heart drops... i can't breath.

"It's so much fun" the middle aged lady reinforces with a fake smile stretching across her face. Her chestnut brown hair sticks in all directions whilst her blood shot eyes reflected her insanity. The rumours are true. In denial, i repeatedly pinch my arm hoping for me to wake up in bed to find that we were all safe. The opaque air begins to become suffocating, making me choke and struggle to breath. Unable able to move, i tense my muscles with anger and hopelessness. My phone is back at the house and therefore can't call for help. I analyse the weapon she indiscreetly holds in her hand: sharp blade, black handle. Internally, i begin hyperventilating.

insanely, the dishevelled lady edges towards me, tilting her head disconcertingly at me. Still frozen, i look over at Eva for reassurance. Her perplexed expression revealed her naivety showing her false understanding of the murderer's true intentions.

Before trying to escape, she lunges forward; throwing several stabs at me, the knife scratching the edge of my skin.

"She's safe with me," the psychotic woman unconvincingly whispers distractingly before attempting to stab one last time, This time piercing through the skin, reaching the heart. Immediately, blood begins gushing everywhere, i drop to the ground, placing my hand on the wound. Looking up one last time, half dead panning the woods... no one. My heart slows as my limbs become numb, unable to move. The agony is unbearable and although unable to move or show expression, I feel myself fading away, rebelling against the pain i try to move, crawling towards safety. My eyes automatically start to close. The adrenaline rushing through my body gives me strength to clamber yet my body's starting to submit to defeat. Once again refusing, i continue veering my focus away from the agonising pain. My hands begin to slip and a single stick hidden beneath the leaves makes me lose my balance; i fall. In denial, i look up at the sky: brightly shining stars gleaming brightly, scattered across the black canvas.
After several minutes, my eyes begin to flutter. My body lays motionless and camouflaged within the brown, wet leaves. The pain numbs. Closing my eyes... DEAD.

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