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"Have you heard there a new student?"

His name is jungkook

"I've heard he noting but trouble"

" I heard he went to jail twice?!"

"He must be a badass and I bet he hot"

"He get into many fights"

"This is his 5th time moving!"

"He hates his past life and has a bad reputation,bad attitude"

"I bet he's a pervert!"

"He does not care about nobody"

"His dad killed himself maybe that why he like that!"

"He must be a player (f***boy)"

"He must have a cold heart"

"I bet he friends with gangsters?!"

"He scary as hell and hot as hell!"

"I've seen him and he is hot!"

"I bet he broke lots of hearts with that look"

"With that look he could get anything"

"I bet he gets a lot of girls"

"He gonna go to our school!He must be cute"

"This school going to get into some new kind of drama"

" I wonder if he fell in love once?Maybe not because he look like a player"

"His face is so serious yet hot"

"I feel bad for him his dad died?!It must of been heart breaking!"

"He a bad boy,He has no heart duh?"

"What if there just rumors and he's actually nice?"

"He going to be a bully and I bet he going to break girls hearts I feel sorry for who ever has to deal with him he hot but mean as hell"


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