Discovering Batman

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Never in my life would I have though that I would be here, gripping onto a sliver of hope-literally. My knuckles were turning white as I painfully held onto the edge of an expensive balcony, the city busy under my terrified body. The cars went on, people continued walking, oblivious to what was happening right above them. Maybe, if one of them saw me, just barely holding onto life, I would have a chance. Or maybe, they are all the same, just like the Joker claimed. "Everyone is evil under the pretty layers, no one truly loves. Love is a joke, just like me and you." Maybe the world was truly hideous, just painted carefully with the most expensive of makeup to hide it's true colors, I thought as my fingers turned numb. The only hope that Gothom City still had was somewhere far away, the Batman, who was a mystery to everyone, wasn't here to save me, just like the Joker had said. Perhaps, the only things in this world that are really true, are the evil things. I was having trouble believing in good at the moment.

Those were my last thoughts, as my hands finally gave way, exhausted and numb from the winter chill. I closed my eyes and waited for the pain, but all I felt was the cold air on my skin and everything went black.



I woke up with legs tangled in silk sheets, my head resting on the side of a warm bed, pillows thrown around on the floor and end of the bed. This is most certainly not Heaven, I thought as I looked around. As wonderful as the room was, I doubted that my head would hurt this bad if it were truly Heaven, and judging by the lack of, not Hell.

The room was nicely furnished, art hung on the wall and knick-knacks that looked to be from another country stood proudly on a wooden shelf. Very homey, I thought as I stretched my aching limbs, but far too expensive to be truly comfortable to live in. I stood and tested the waters, not trusting my wobbly legs quite yet. I wrapped the smaller of the two quilts around myself and took a nervous peek out of the window. Where am I?

It was dreary outside, but it seemed fitting. Clouds hung low and the windowpane was wet with raindrops of different sizes. If I didn't know any better, I would swear I had been transported from Gothom City to England. All I saw was land, rolling hills and green grass. A garden was placed in the corner of the vast land, flowers peeking out happily despite the weather. Bats flew overhead, seeming comfortable here and clashing with the cheery garden. Darkness and light, I thought. Whoever owned this place seemed to enjoy clashing. There was definitely no woman's touch here, other than the garden, but even it seemed to display a classy flair, not so feminine with it's stone statues and other decorations.

Walking away from the window, I pushed the curtain back to hide the sky from my sight. A set of clothes had been set out on a dresser, brand new with tags hanging and all in my size. I refrained from looking in the mirror above the dresser, knowing I probably looked like a homeless person as opposed to a young and fiery college student. The Joker had his ways of taking smiles off of people's faces and replacing them with cloudy eyes and frowns.

Taking a deep breath, I took a step outside and gasped at what I saw. Somehow, it seemed that I landed myself in a castle. The walls were covered in a light tan color, big windows with patterned curtains and plush couches. On the other side, there were several classy white doorways, chandeliers hanging over me. The tile was cold on my barefeet and I found myself wondering where my shoes went.

"Ah! Madam, so happy to see you awake!" A British voice said, I turned around and saw an older man walking briskly towards me, a warm smile on his face. "Hello?" My voice wasn't as strong as I had hoped for, but my throat was so sore. "Oh, pardon my manners. It's been so long since we've had a guest! I'm Alfred, Alfred Pennyworth. I'm the butler here at Wayne Manor." Wayne Manor? How did I get here, of all places?

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