Its a good life

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Lizzies pov:

"Taylor where the heck did you hide the nutella?" I scream from the kitchen. " Its in the fridge" she screams back. Oh my god. I may not be the brightest person on earth but, I swear my roommates are idiots. It's time to film. " hey guys ready to film?" I scream again. "Victoria's not back yet." they scream back.

Just then as if on cue, Victoria dances through the door singing. " I guess I'm ordinary. Cuz I don't give a what!" she half sing half screams. "Who's ready to film?" "me!" we all yell back.

We all ran upstairs and started setting up the camera and shove things into corners so nobody sees how bad of a pigstye we live in.

Victoria's pov:

While we are setting up I sit down and fiddle with the camera. I turn it on and scream "whats up the awesome life?" All the others jump in and wave. I say " before we get started I have some very important news." All the others look me with confusion in there eyes. " as all our watchers know o2l is our hero." all the girls look at me with expectant looks. " While I was out earlier I went to tops. I went to the ticket counter and scored AL ticket to see o2l in Syracuse in July." Ive never seen so much screaming or jumping.

32 hrs later in California.

Connors pov:

I'm so fricken tiered. All I want to do is sleep. But with my roommates it's almost impossible to get any sleep when you need it. I lay down to try to do the unthinkable... Sleep. Not even 30 seconds after I lay down, jc screams from the other room "Connor!" "what do you want Jc?" I say clearly annoyed. " I need to show you something. " I stomp into his room like a child. He beckons me to his computer. I go to see it pulled up to a video titled " our new channel". I sit and the video begins. " hey everyone." I see a group of five girls about 15-22. "I'm Victoria" a brunette who looked about 21 that was very easy on the eye if you know what I'm saying. Jc paused the video. " Damn she's attractive." he says. " thanks captain obvious." I say he looks at me clearly mad. He presses play. " I'm Lizzie" he stops again. " I like her too. " "okay?" he presses play and kian walks in and as he sees the next girl his eyes widen. " I'm mewissa" someone's got a crush. " Shes a stripper. " Victoria states. Melissa pushes her into a table. "f***" Victoria yells. Lizzie looks up and blows an airborne and screams " MONEY!!!" and point inside a jar. " As we were saying" the next girl says " I'm Taylor " she looks about 16. "and I'm megone." the last one says. The look at eachother and in unison they scream "and this is the Awesome Life." Victoria says " If there's on thing you should know about us..." she looked at Lizzie " Its that we unconditionally love o2l." me and the boys look at eachother with excited faces. " so subscribe and see ya later awesomers." taylor says. the video ends. Jc exsits out and then sees that they recently posted a new video. He clicks on it. Victoria sits and the others jump in. " before we get started i have some very important news. While I was out earlier I went to tops and went to the ticket counter. I scored us some tickets to see o2l in syracuse in July." all of us were too awestruck to listen to any of the rest.


Bear with me I'm new at this and I'm not the greatest at writing. Comment and vote please.

Tell me what you think. also go check out 4 of my favorite books: love in la by captain o2l, the way to her heart, hello la, and forgive never forget.

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